Review #2: Apr. 2016

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Hey again guys!

Well last time, I made a bit of a booboo that cost me more time. I thought I had to do a fifteen hundred word article instead of a one thousand word one.

Woops. Oh well.

At least I got the two fanfictions in.

I hope you enjoy these three stories that I picked out for you!

That's right!

The first fanfiction cubed article since issue one (Shit, I hadn't realised that I've been here since the start until now. Wow.)

And since the theme this month was merely Duel Monsters/Season 0 which gave me a lot of free reign, I decided to pick three fanfictions from two of my favourite authors!

Yup! They're two we all know from the magazine!

DestinyGirlz and DDLDarkHeartofWater!

Woo! Woo! Come on, guys, cheer for them! Woo!

No cheer? Oh right. Internet.

God dammit, internet; introduce sound-reviews already!

Now first up I will be addressing one of the two stories that took the Yugioh_WattyAwards by storm this year!

Title: You'll All Be Smiling Soon

Author: DDLDarkHeartofWater

Genre: Yaoi, Romance, Horror

Trigger Warnings: Abuse, Character death

Views: 154

Votes: 13

Comments: 14

Summary: You know those people that have that smile? The one that makes you smile? And that makes you want to see them smile even more? Malik has that smile, and Marik wants nothing more than for him to smile again. But Ishizu and Odion seem to be preventing that. And all that Marik sees is that they're upsetting his hikari. And that is something he won't stand for.

This is a one-shot by DDLDarkHeartofWater. And despite having such few views, it won quite a lot of categories in the Watty Awards.

What categories, you ask?

The categories that it came first in were Marik Ishtar, Favourite Cover and Favourite Title. It also came third in Favourite Shipping. And guess who was voted Favourite Writer in the awards?

Bingo. DD.

Now this particular story is set in an alternate universe where Marik (Yami) gains a body of his own and is staying with Malik (Hikari).

Malik is described as the kind of person who has a very contagious smile. The descriptions are done in quite a childish manner, for example; he had the kind of smile that made everyone else around him smile.

I think this is a great depiction of Marik, as it is written in his point of view, and Marik is only seven years old. Technically. Unless you have a headcannon where he was in Ancient Egypt and was the King of Assassins, and if you do, talk to me. Please.

Through the course of the one-shot, we meet Ishizu and Odion, who always just seem to put pressure on Malik. And in Marik's point of view, are the reason for his Malik-pretty's smile disappearing.

When Malik starts crying, it's the final straw for Marik – who has been hearing a voice in his head all the way along. He confronts Malik's siblings about the incident, both of whom seem to regret making their brother cry.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2016 ⏰

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