Chapter 1-Close encounter

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To this day I still remember what the boy looks like - brown shaggy hair, silver eyes, well fit for his age, and even a nice jaw line. I was In my wolf form when I saw the handsome boy. I think he caught my scent cause of me forgetting to hide it. So he shifted thinking I was a threat that might harm him. I stepped out of my hiding place and gave him a wolfyish smile. Then I shifted and put on my clothes that I carried around.  

When I came out of my hiding place he was already done.I was the first to speak. 

" hey my names Samantha Luna but you should call me Sam. What bout you?"

" My name is Jace Leandro. May I ask why you are walking around alone in the woods?" he asked raising his eyebrow.

" I was just...... taking a walk . What does it matter to you?"

" Just curious."

After a while we started to talk and get to know each other. At first it was pretty akward but after a while I got used to him . So For the rest of the day I spent it with Jace up until night fall. When it was time for him to go and for me to go back to my campsite, we ended up promising each other we would meet here again. 


By the time I got back to my campsite, you could barely see a thing! It was completely and utterly dark.So I decided to go on a search for some wood to start a fire. As I turn back to look for some wood I tripped over something. I landed with a loud 'THUMP'. I groaned in pain. " AGH! That hurt like living hell"!  

" Hello is someone there?" What the...?! Who is out in the woods at this time.

*????? P.O.V*

How could i lose him so fast. He can't just disappear from my sight in a blink of an eye.I can't even pick up his scent. Crap! Maybe he knows I'm following him. Well I had to he knows he is grounded. Jace is so gonna get it cause as his sister I have to look out for him. Especially if he's grounded so I can snitch on him like he did to me.

It's been 5 hours!! I still can't find him! Then I heard a loud 'THUMP'. Who's out in the woods at this time? I might as well ask for help so I can get home. 

"Hello is someone there"? Then I saw a figure I tried to make it out but failed miserably.

'' Umm.... hello ''? The figure asked.It had a girl voice so im guessing its a girl. The figure stepped foward into the moonlight. I was right it was a girl. The girl was a bit younger then me, she had aurbun hair with strips of reddish-brown, her eyes were many colors blue,green, and specks of violet, she had a slim body and was wearing old raggidy clothes. I  was about to step into the light when she spoke.

'' Umm.... sorry if i sound rude but your not some crazy nut job, are you''? she said with no seriousness at all. She was taking it in a joking matter. I got scared for a second think she might actually think I was a lunatic and not help me get home.

''NO!! Of course not.'' I responded quickly.

She chuckled quietly. '' Well in that case, my name is Samantha Luna, but most people call me Sam or Sammy or whatever.''

I chuckled at that. '' Well Sammy, imma call you Sammy, I am Cassandra Leandro but you can call cass or cassy or casey or sandra ect. You get the point ''. I chuckled at my self and my weirdness.

'' Well Cass, imma call you cass, you seem pretty fun. But do you mind me asking why your out at this time"?

'' Well uhh... you see it's sort cause I got lost while doing something..'' I trailed off not want  to explain what i was doing.

'' Wait, uhh did you say that your last name was Leandro''? She sounded as if she just processed it though.

'' Yeah why''?

'' Just asking''. She said calmly.'' So you need me to get you home''?

''Only if it you can''?

''Of course lets go''. With that we were on our way in search of my house.


~~~~~~~................~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  So did you like if you did plzz pretty plzz




P.S. IF you guys got any suggestions on characters plzz pm me

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