Chapter 1

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                            I woke up with a pounding headache and I remember how I almost got beaten up by Saba,the ratchet girl that wants everything from me,but luckily Austin was there to stop her and her clique before anything worse happens. I stood up from my bed and went to the bathroom to wash my face,I saw a scar on my right cheek and a little scar on my neck,it was no surprise to me that Saba tried to torture me but luckily as always there's always a way to stop her. I took  a shower and I saw Bruises and scars around my body, It was painful to take a shower but its not like its my first time to experience this. I dressed up and put on light make up to cover the bruise and the scar on my face,I put my hair in to a ponytail and went downstairs. As always, Mom and Dad left me alone in the house to their work and leaving me alone with my sister,Hazel,who is in Saba's clique but she's the only one who hasn't actually hurt me. "Are you okay Agnes by what happened last night?"She asked and I just nodded,I don't even know why she's in her clique if she knows that they hurt me,physically or emotionally.  As I was about to get my breakfast,she grabbed my wrist and pulled me into a hug.

             "Agnes.....I'm sorry......I wish I can quit from her clique and help Austin to protect you but.....I just can't explain but being in her clique is more of a need now other than a want...Having this reputation protects me and you from the boys in our school from harassing us.....Just like what happened to...Mona"and when she said Mona,I started sobbing like mad. I miss Mona so much,when she was here,no one even dared to mess with me because they know that Mona is everywhere around me and she could beat them in a second. I pulled out of the hug and nodded,I grabbed breakfast and went to the living room to watch TV. As me and Hazel was watching TV,a car horn was heard outside. Me and her looked outside to see who it and it was Saba and her girls,Hazel opened the door while I stood next to her,"Go in the car b*tch!We'd be late to school!" Saba shouted. She looked at me and gave me a evil grin,she then got out of her car and she kicked my leg,making me fall. All of the girls laughed except for Hazel,She nodded and went in the car. Saba pulled my ponytail up and whispered "I'm going to make your senior year a living hell",she then dropped me and went inside her car.

           I started crying until a figure was standing in front of me, It was Austin. He offered his hand and he pulled me up into a hug, "I'm so sorry I wasn't here on time" he said with a soft voice. "i-its okay.....can we just walk to school now and this time please don't leave my side" I said while whimpering, he nodded and we started walking to school. I was limping because my leg still hurt so Austin,out of nowhere,carried me behind his back the whole time. "y-you didn't have to...." I whispered,he looked at me and said "You were in so much pain that you were already limping! Remember,I am your guardian,I will walk to the ends of the earth so you can live a normal girl's life and be happy". I loved the way he cared for me and how he calls himself my guardian,I like him but I wish I didn't. He already has a girlfriend that he's been dating for a year now and the worse part is,its that she's my best friend, Jacqueline.  She understands that I need Austin to protect me from Saba but she does get suspicious if me and Austin get really close.

           We arrived in the school and Austin brought me down,he then carried my arm so he could help me walk. Jacqueline then walked between me and Austin which made me fall and make my leg feel so much worse,"Oh my gosh Agnes! I am so sorry,Did I push you really hard?" She said with a worried face. I stood up even though I was in pain but I didn't want to get in between Austin and Jacqueline,"I'm fine and its not your fault. I have to go to class now,okay? I'll see you later Aus and Jac" I said with a painful smile and walked away,Austin then pulled my wrist and said "Are you sure you don't need help?","Yeah,you need to spend more time with Jacqueline anyways" I said in an irritated tone and I pulled out of his grip.

         While I was walking down the hallway, people looked at me with utter pity and shock. I arrived at my locker and put my stuff in until someone slammed my locker shut,"How is my doll today? Wait,what happened to your face?" The figure said. I looked up and it was Josh,the playboy of this school. I gave him a stern look and said "First of all I'm not your 'doll' and second of all this is none of your business", He put his hands up like he's surrendering and said "Damn,Feisty one we got here and I'm just worried.....everybody here is cause we see you bruised and wounded at least once a week or at least limping".  I rolled my eyes but I also felt flattered that everyone,even the playboy is worried about my health,"Thanks Josh,look I have to go to class okay? I'll see you later" I said and quickly walked away.

       I entered the class and as usual,nobody noticed me. I went to my seat which was near the window and watched the sky to start pouring, I looked to my right to see Austin and Jacqueline entering the room with their hands intertwined and a smile on their faces. Austin looked at me and I suddenly turned around,I felt awkward that he saw me staring at him. Austin sat next to me and Jacqueline sat behind him,They were both talking while I sat quietly. Austin was about to say something to me until the teacher started class. As I was doing work,I saw through the window,a young boy with a black hoodie holding a black book bag. "What is he doing without uniform and out of school? Must be an rebel outsider" I thought,then he looked at me and he was mouthing something but I couldn't understand it until he got closer to the window.

"I'll see you soon"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2016 ⏰

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