Room 221

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A young couple walked through the world-reknown, Baker Street hotel. These two lads were none other then Sherlock Holmes and John Watson. Everyone at the hotel knew the beloved couple. They both waved as they walked to the elevator hand in hand.

They approached the elevator and Sherlock and John stepped in. Sherlock planted a soft kiss to Johns head with a delicate smile curved on his cupid bow lips. John blushed, but he planted a kiss to the taller ones nose as they approached the second floor. John led them to their shared room, 221. He pulled Sherlock quickly, which made him laugh, a small soft laugh, but that was an improvement for Sherlock. 

"Why the rush John?" , Sherlock asked.

"I've got a surprise for you" , John smiled. His smile was worth more than all the angels in the sky to Sherlock. The way is slightly rounded lips curved into the delicate corners of his mouth was enough to make Sherlock's heart flutter.

John turned on the music player he had gotten them without Sherlock's consent. Sherlock walked over to John, confusion flooding the taller ones features. John then took Sherlock's hand, pulling him closer to him. 

"Care to dance Sherlock?"

"Alright John"

Sherlock felt Johns tender touch as he put his hands in position. His cheeks were kissed with a light blush, as he followed Johns Instructions. He let John rest his head on his chest as they slowly began to waltz along to the music. Now Sherlock was glad that John had bought the music player behind his back. He and John waltzed to the comfort of their caressing warmth, and soft breath. They were always one for more love than lust.

They both fell on the bed together, cuddling in each others warmth as they fell asleep in each others arms.


The now married couple walked together, enjoying the feeling of warmth and acknowledgement that they now were bound together legally and were to spend the rest of their lives together. John rested his head on Sherlock's shoulder, as they went up the elevator together.


"Yes Sherlock?"

"Would you like to join me in a dance?"

"Oh god yes"

Sherlock brought the two into the room with the same eagerness John had had when they first danced together. John smiled, he rarely ever saw this side of Sherlock. Sherlock pressed the button and took Johns hand. He put his hands in place as John did the same. They danced like they were young teenagers again, because that's what the presence of the other did for the two. It made time feel timeless, age feel ageless, the world seemed to freeze.

They danced and danced until they couldn't feel their feet, and even then they continued to dance because they felt like they were flying. Flying away from this cruel world and humanity. That snatched and grabbed the best of us people and hung them upside down and shook them until there was nothing left of them.

They fell asleep in each others arms once more.


The elderly couple walked to the elevator, giving smiles to the young children that roamed the halls. Sherlock helped John into the elevator, rubbing soft circles on his back. John started to cough, and Sherlock frowned. He knew John was getting old, and little bursts of reality like this always hit him.

John rested his head on Sherlock's chest, his coughing fit coming to an end, but not without a few aftershocks. Sherlock brought them to there room. 

"Care to dance?" , John said. Sherlock wanted to say no, he really did, he knew it could damage John's health. He saw the look in John's eyes though, and knew that he couldn't say no, so he obliged.

John put on the music, and they started to dance. John every once and a while stepped on Sherlock's toes. 

"Sorry" , he mumbled every time. Every time, Sherlock's heart shattered a little.

John soon was tired, and he stopped dancing, falling asleep in Sherlock's arms. Sherlock sighed and placed him and his husband on their bed, kissing his forehead goodnight.


Sherlock waved to the smiling couples that roamed the halls of the hotel. It reminded him of John, and he sighed softly. He walked to the elevator, bringing him up to the room he and John had one shared. He looked to the old music machine, and couldn't help but turn on the music, for memories sake. 

A figure appeared in front of him. 

"Care to dance?"

"Love'd too"

Sherlock danced with the figure, not realizing as he slowly was stripped of his colors, replaced with ghastly blue glow. But he didn't care, he was dancing with John. His John. And that's all that mattered.

Once two young lads dancing in 221, become the ghosts of the Baker Street hotel. Some even say whoever uses the room can sometimes hear the soft music and see two figures dancing. But no one had the heart to shoo them away, they were the icon of the Baker Street hotel anyway.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2016 ⏰

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