The pic Is scarlette.
Scarlette's POV
I sat next to Griffin, who was the hottest emo boy I've ever seen in my 16 years of life. But, I cant start here so lets go back 3 years. My parents were murdered going to my bullys house to talk to her parents. So instead of staying home and taking care of there gutless daughter, they were killed. I started cutting around my 13th birthday. Ive tried to hang myself twice. So were are we? Oh yeah hot emo boy. Anyway I sit down and he looks at me as if I were on fire. "H-hi im Scarlette." I manage to say while staring at his eyes. One was blue and the other was green. They were beautiful. The rest of the day I was looking for him but he wasnt anywhere to be found. I drive home home and go straight to my room, trying to avoid my dad. I got lucky this time. I lock my door and watch horror movies. The next day I see Griffin in the seat next to me. "Hey where were you yesterday after lunch?" I ask sitting down, "Getting beat up." He says slowly looking away from me. "Hey can I go to your house after-" I start, "NO!" He almost shouts. With that he walks out of the classroom. Was it something I said? "What the fuck do you think." I say to myself. At the end of the day I find Griffin, he is walking to a beat up Yamaha bike. I didn't know he drove a motorcycle. I run to him before he leaves and ask for his number incase we needed to meet up sometime. We exchange numbers and go our seperate ways. When I get home I already know its going to be fucked up because my foster parents were there and my "dad" abused me. As soon as I walk in and close the door I feel a sharp pain in the back of my head. I turn around to see my so called father behind me throwing his fist at me. The next thing I know every thing went black. I wake up to see my mom talking to my dad, I like calling her my mom shes actually nice to me. When she sees that im awake shes walks over to me and says "Go upstairs and get some sleep sweety, ok?" "Ok." I reply before I leave I flick off the shit stain I call a father. "YOU LITTLE SHIT!" He screams and starts to get up. I quickly run up to my room and get into the bathroom and grab my shiny pleasure. I make a thin line on my stomach. Its like magic, I write in silver but it shows up red. I continue until I hear a knock on my bedroom door. I get bandages and ask "Who is it?" You see I do this because one time I forgot to wash my dads van and he knocked on my door I opened it and he slapped me. Any way it was my mom "Its me sweety." I open it and we talked for like an hour. She eventually goes to bed I lock my door and say goodnight. I watch movies all night until I fall asleep. The next day I go to school. I walk to the classroom and sit next to Griffin. He looks so adorable with eyeliner on. "Hey, you look cute!" I say. Omg did I really just say, I look over and see that hes blushing. "Th-thanks." He says clearly embarrassed. The teacher announces that the assignment is do in two days. "Shit!" Me and Griffin say at the same time. We start working when she said its free time. Soon enough its lunch time and we sit down at an empty table. We dont eat because we have a LOT of work to get done. After lunch its gym which me anf Griffin both skip to get done with the project. We finished when its time to go home before we leave I finally ask Griffin why I couldnt go to his house. "Because I dont have one." He says.