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The pic Is Griffin.

Hello my name is Griffin. Im 16 years old and I live in California. I can't really say I live here because I never really lived anywhere for more than a year.
My story begins 2 years ago when my parents got in a car accident, I was the only survivor. I walked away with only a concussion. What a tragedy you might say. No. It was the best thing that ever happened to me.
You see, they abused me. So when they died I smiled. I have been running from orphanages and foster care ever since. I just moved in to a new house with my Uncle Blake. He's cool. He takes me to Hot Topic once in awhile. I always get the same thing. 5 band shirts, 5 pairs of extra skinny jeans, and 10 bracelets. Tomorrow is the first day of school. HIGH SCHOOL. Yep. You heard me, the worst part of a young adults life. Anyways, enjoy!

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