Not The Last Time

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All Girls

"Jade, come on, you need to take your medicine..."

"No mam, I don't want to!"

Jesy internally groans, but carries on trying anyway. Her husband had walked out on her three years ago, leaving her to deal with her three children. Perrie was her youngest and Leigh-Anne was her oldest. Leigh is 19, Jade is 18, and Perrie is 17. Only thing is, Jesy had become somewhat dependent on two of her kids. It was also three years that Jade was diagnosed with kidney cancer. Jade's father left after hearing, saying her couldn't deal with the situation. Jade had battled with it for two years but soon was told she was cancer-free. That, however, only lasted six months. She was, after this short time, told her cancer had spread to her left lung.

Leigh had moved out not long after she found out her sister was cancer-free, so she could get a job to help with paying for the family. Three months into finding out Jade had secondary cancer, however, and Leigh had spent most of her time living with the rest of her family.

"Jade, just take it, don't make stuff harder..." Perrie said in an attempt to get this all over and done with. Perrie had always looked up to her sisters, especially Jade. Perrie understood that it wasn't easy for Jade, but she had fought it, making her idolise her big sister.

Jade huffed before taking her medication. She hated taking it. It was just a constant reminder that she was, in fact, ill. She just wanted to have a normal teenage life, why couldn't she have that?

Leigh came into the room, car keys in hand. "Guys, let's catch a break." Jesy looked at her confused, while her other two daughters looked intrigued.

"What do you mean, Leigh?" Jesy questions her daughter.

"Let's go to a theme park."


"Hurry up Pez, I want to go on!" Jade was running around, determined to get on every ride, with Perrie by her side. It had been a long time since they had been somewhere fun, and they were excited to get on all the rides.

Jesy was always falling behind, not able to keep up with her daughter's hyperactivity. Leigh-Anne stayed behind with her mother, not really bothered about all the rides.

"You know, she needed this mum." Leigh says to Jesy. Jesy smiles at her.

"I know. Thank you, for helping me out."

"Why are you thanking me? We are family, we stick together." Leigh says, and her mother's smile falters slightly. "Look, I know you miss Niall, but he just left us. He's not here, and to be honest, it's probably a good job." Jesy listens and takes in what she is being told. She looks at her daughter and smiles. Jesy smiles even more when she looks over at the queue for the closest ride, where her other two youngest daughters were jumping about, desperate to get on the ride.

"You're right. This family is strong. We stick together." A smile dawns on her face, and she looks over at Leigh again.

"Hey, how about we get some ice-cream while we wait for the giddy ones to come back?" Leigh-Anne suggests and Jesy agrees with her.

(Three Years Later)

"Mam, I know, it's hard, but we need to go."  Perrie says to Jesy.

Jesy doesn't want to leave. She couldn't. The idea was too much for her. Here she was, at home, unwilling to go. She wasn't ready to accept the fact it had happened.

"Can you give me one more minute?" Perrie nods and leaves her. Jesy looks towards the dresser, a tear slipping down her face as she looked at the photo in the corner. It was a picture she took with Jade while she was at the theme park three years ago. She remembers talking to Leigh-Anne.

"We're a strong family." Jesy mutters, and then she lets her floodgates open. She sobs and it seems endless. The door opens, and Jesy looks to see her youngest daughter again. She looked so beautiful, so elegant. If her daughter could do this, so could she. She's a Nelson, she's strong.


"Can't be late, can we?"


"Jade Nelson, do you take Jacob Kaert to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do."

"I now declare you man and wife. You may kiss the bride."

Jesy wouldn't miss this for the world. Her daughter, marrying the man of her dreams. A tear slipped her eye as she watched. She knew what tomorrow was, but tried to forget it and enjoy today. Here was her daughter, getting married, and she owes Jade her happiness and love.

"Mam, I got married!" Jade says to Jesy when they got some time together. Jesy wished it was under different circumstances, but she didn't have control over when things happened anymore.

"I know. My little girl, all grown up." Jesy stops for a moment, as a droplet appears from nowhere and rolls down her cheek. Jade's smile falters and she takes her mother into a hug.

"I know, mam, but at least I'm happy now, right? We don't have to worry about tomorrow." She tries to comfort her mother, but to no avail. Jesy just will not stop crying. Why does it have to be this way?

One week before, she was told she was going to have to pull the plug on her daughter because she was deteriorating dramatically and they didn't want her to suffer any longer. Why now, does she have to have a wedding in a hospital bed, waiting for the next day to arrive which will no doubt be her last day overall?

"I love you, Jade."

"I love you too mam." Jade replies as a tear slips down her eye.

(The Next Day)

"No, stop, please!"

Jesy was being pulled away from the hospital by her two daughters. The only two she had still here, alive.

"Mum, come on, we need to go." Leigh says, looking in just as much of a terrible state as her mother. Leigh-Anne was distraught and Perrie was heartbroken. They too, along with their mother, had done everything to keep her happy and well. Now... They couldn't do that anymore.

"No, this can't happen! It just..." Jesy then feels her legs give way, She crumples up on the pavement, sobbing. Her daughters kneel beside her, comforting her as best they could. It's the only thing they could do.

"Mam, I know, let's go get some food." Perrie says, a weak attempt to get her mother to move.

"I'm not hungry." She sobs into the ground, stubborn about making an effort to move.

"You haven't eaten since yesterday, you need something." Perrie tries again, but still, there was no movement other than the bobbing of her mother's back from her cries.

"Leigh-Leigh, can you get her something? Anything, she needs to eat. I think there's a bakery around the corner."

"Sure." With that, Leigh went off, and Perrie was left with Jesy. Perrie sat down next to her, and let Jesy weep in her shoulder. Perrie herself was crying with her not long ago, but she had to be strong for her mother.

"Mam, remember what we've always said?" Jesy looks up, confused and unsure. "We are Nelsons. We are strong, we are a family, and when worst comes to worst, we stick together. Do you remember that?" Her mam nods slightly. "You can have times where you need to cry, it's normal, but right now we need to sort ourselves out. We both look a mess and we haven't eaten today. It's not what Jade wants. She wants us to carry on, not to neglect ourselves, you understand me?" Jesy nods again, wiping tears from her eyes.

"Y-yeah." Jesy begins to stand, and Perrie helps her up.

"We better go find Leigh, and get ourselves some food."

"Yeah, it's what Jade would want, I guess."


So I cried while writing this :/

But nonetheless, this is probably the best I've written so far :)

Thanks to AmyCimorelliFan for the idea!

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