Murder Night

796 17 3

(All girls)

Warning: There is a talk about a fuckboy and there will be a graphic death. Also, there is the mild use of strong language. Have fun with this one.

It wasn't a game anymore.

It had become an annual thing among them. Every year, the four girls invite half the neighbourhood to the abandoned mansion at the edge of civilisation. Each time, people take a slip from a pile. One slip announces that you are the murderer. The murderer then has to find creative ways to 'kill' everyone else without being spotted. If the murderer is spotted, the game ends.
Only this 'murderer' went too far.

The four girls hid in the same room, in various locations. This room was the grand hall, a huge auditorium with several rows of chairs, balconies at the sides and a stage with many props behind it. Jade had managed to squeeze herself under one row of chairs, just out of view of everything else. Leigh-Anne hid on a balcony, hoping the person wasn't some type of wall-climber. It was the only way up, as the stairway to the balconies were broken a few years ago due to one 'kill' where the stairs just crumbled. Luckily, no one was harmed in that, but it became out of bounds. Leigh tried incredibly hard to climb the wall next to it, and with her adrenaline, she managed. Jesy had decided to climb inside the boot of a prop car, the only shaft of light coming from a small gap from where the car seat wasn't properly pushed back. Perrie had one amazing idea. There were rows and rows of costumes, all rather plastic-like in appearance, with big mascot heads. Perrie had put this on over her clothes, and placed the mascot head on, then sat in a corner, somewhat slouched. It was as if the costume had no one in.

The girls gave out silent breaths, not daring to make a sound. None of them knew if the murderer was near or not. They all hoped, prayed even, that this was some nightmare and it would be over soon. But, the murderer's previous actions showed no mercy, no remorse. The girls hid, trembling with fear.

~~~(3 Hours Earlier)~~~

"Welcome to the annual Murder Night everyone!" Jesy says as the crowd begins to go wild. "You all know the drill everyone."
"Pick a slip. If your slip says murderer, you know your job." Jade continues.
"Come up with creative ways to kill! You will have red bands with your slip." Leigh-Anne shouts. The crowd screams again.
"Everyone else, try to survive. You are given a bunch of bands, but these are not needed, it is so the slip with the word 'murderer' on it is less easy to spot. If you are killed, you must wear the red band that the killer will give you. This then stops you from being in the game, and you cannot help either the murderer or survivors with their task. Well then, you can read your paper once everyone has one." Perrie finishes. The girls were somewhat glad they weren't killers this time round. It was hard to not make it obvious it was one of them anymore.

"Everyone picked out a role?" Jesy asks, and all nod. "Good. You all have ten minutes to observe the house, either for good hiding places, best places to go if being chased. The murderer, you're looking for the best places to get people. Just remember, be creative, no lame deaths."
"Once you hear the grandfather clocks throughout the mansion strike midnight, the game begins. No complaints, you should be prepared. Let the Murder Night begin!" Everyone begins to cheer as Perrie's announcement ends and they scatter off to find things to help them throughout the night. The four girls stay in the room, already knowing the mansion like it was their own home, and discuss the night ahead.

"So guys, do you think the murderer will get creative?" Leigh asks.
"Maybe not as creative as last year. Seriously, Harry decides the best way to kill people is to seduce them!" Jade comments and they all laugh.
"I'm the murderer, better fuck my way through the victims!" Jesy mimics the voice of the Styles hunk. They all grasp their stomachs as they laugh, and continue to mimic his voice and make jokes of how he used the game to get into the pants of every girl.
"Anyway, we better get ready, we have five minutes." Jade eventually says, and she wasn't wrong. They all headed their separate ways, ready to survive the night.

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