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"Good morning everyone!" I loudly spoke to everyone as I walked into the meeting room full of gang members. 

"What is she doing in here?" Savannah disgustingly asked.

"I'm here to run the gang-" I was cut off by grunts and mumbling. 

"She can't run the gang. She's a girl! I'll run this shit!" One dude said, slamming his hands on the table. I sat Riker's seat and my bag on the table before telling this jack off what the fuck was up. 

"I'd sit the fuck down right now. You disrespectful fuck. Who the hell do you think you are? Test my motherfucking craziness and see where the fuck that gets you. I wouldn't fuckin' try me at all." I snapped, pulling the gun that Aiden gave me in the elevator out and pointing it at him. He put his hands up, backing down.

"You got it. You got it." He said as he sat back down in his seat.

"Damn right I fuckin' got it! Anybody else wanna fuckin' try me?" I yelled, lookin' at everyone in the room. It was silent all around and I took that as a 'no'. I dropped my gun to my side, putting it back on my hip and explained what the fuck was gonna happen. 

"Okay then shut the fuck up and let me fuckin' talk! Your gang leader and my boyfriend has been kidnapped. I'm runnin' the gang until we get him back." I paused for a second and then continued, "Here's how it works. What you give me, I give you. You respect me, i'll respect you. If you don't respect me, then get the fuck out. Simple as that. Anything I say goes. Anything Drake, Aiden, or Andrew says fuckin' goes. I want no motherfucking protestin'. You gotta problem come to me. I'll handle it. Underfuckinstood?" 

I heard 'yes' throughout the whole room and I nodded. 

"Now get the fuck outta my meeting room!" 


I was currently sitting in Emmett's office, looking out the window. I had called Jason but he didn't pick up, same as Kendra but no one was picking up the phone, so my best bet was to wait for them to call me back.  

I turned my head and saw my brother standing in the doorway.

"What are you doing here?" I asked standing up. 

"I work here." He replies walking into the office and shutting the door. I stare at him.

"You work here! Since fucking when?" I asked, completely surprised. He sits down in one of the chairs in front of the desk.

"For years." He curtly replies.

"You're in the gang too, aren't you?" I ask sitting down. I can't be angry at my brother. He's a grown ass man who could do anything he wanted, I couldn't tell him what to do. 

I watch as he nods. I sigh.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I ask leaning back in the chair. He sighs and sits up straight.

"Before all of this with Emmett and shit. I didn't wanna tell you because you're my little sister. I didn't want you to worry about my safety,  your safety or anything around that. But now that you're dating my boss, you're in it and all that really matters at the moment is that i'm telling you now. When I found of you were dating Emmett, I couldn't really say anything because that is my boss. I wasn't particularly angry at the fact that y'all are dating. I was angry at the fact that he got you pregnant. You're so young, angel. So fucking young. Dad and I's little girl is a mother now. She's growing up fast and it's so hard to watch. I'm so proud of you though. You have no idea how proud of you I am. You stepped up and dealt with the consequences. You decided to run the gang and take care of your child all while looking for Emmett too. Your baby's father and your boyfriend have been kidnapped and you're still holding your shit together. The mother of the year award definitely goes to you, angel. You're the best mother I have ever met well besides mom." I laugh, wiping the tears off my face. I stood up and walked around the desk towards my brother. He stood up and opened his arms. I wrapped my arms around him and held him for dear life. 

"I love you, Cammy." I say crying into his shoulder. He rubs my back up and down. 

"I love you too, angel."

My brother has always been here through everything. I love my brother unconditionally and that's no joke. 

Riker's cry ruined the moment and I pulled away from the hug to grab my crying baby from the set up crib next to the desk. I leaned over the crib and picked up my baby. He stopped crying as soon as I grabbed him. I laugh.

"Did you just want mommy to hold you?" I coo. 

"He looks so much like you both." Cam said as he admires my son. I smile down at my son. 

"Now this is the love of my life." I say staring at Riker. My little baby. My everything. He really means the world to me.

"I can see that. I'm getting a little to attached, so i'ma just leave." I laugh at my brother. He kisses my forehead and then gives Riker's.

"Love you both." He says walking to the door. 

"We love you lots, Cammy." I yell as he walks out.


Tell me what y'all think of this chapter. Casey was a little bad ass at the beginning ;) 

ashes XOXO 


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