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*2 months later*

"So what are you going do?" Kendra asked me as I sat down on the couch. I looked over at her, she had my son in her arms, rocking side to side, which really soothed him.

"I know it's not gonna be easy but i'm going to find him," She looked at me with such admiration. 

"I'm glad your're in our lives Casey. I can't imagine life without you in it. You've brought so much joy to us," She looked at down at Riker with so much love. I pressed the lock button on my phone to see the time and realized that I needed to go. I stood up and walked over to her, giving her a hug and kissing my sons head.

"I have go to go, so much work has got to be done. I'll be back later tonight to pick Riker up," She nodded her head, stood up and sat Riker down onto the couch. She pulled me into another hug and kissed my cheek.

"Please be careful!" 


"Mr. Matthews is in your office, Ms. Lovett," My assistant, Moni, said as I was walking past her desk. I nodded my head, "Thank you, Moni" 

The door to my office was open and as I walked in I immediately see Aiden sitting behind my desk. 

"Now what makes you think you can just sit in my chair behind my desk," I said smiling, folding my arms. He blankly stares at me.

"I was just tryna make myself comfortable," he exclaimed, shrugging his shoulders. 

"Well make yourself comfortable in another chair." He stood up, staring at me as I watched him walk over to the chair infront of my desk.

"Happy?" He asks. I nod and walk behind my desk. 

"It's been two months Aiden.  Two fucking months! We know it was Jaden who took Emmett. We know exactly where he is and I want us to make a move to get Emmett back tomorrow. They don't know we know anything. We'll take them by surprise it'll be perfect." Aiden seemed to be thinking it over. He nods his head and agrees, "Okay."

"Great." I got up and walked out into the hallway. 

"Moni, get everyone in the conference room now." She nodded her head and started typing. Aiden and I both made our way to the conference room. We walked into the elevator. 

"Do you think this is a good plan?" I asked as the elevator made its way down to level 15.

"No plan will ever be a good plan in this case, Casey. We have to get him back and right now this is the only plan we have and it'll have to do. We just have to be strong and hope everything goes good." I nod my head and took a deep breath. The elevator dinged and the doors opened.

We both made our way into the conference room where everyone was talking. Drake and Andrew were both at the front of the room standing in there usual spots. I made my way up to the front. As I ascended up the steps of the stage, Drake and Andrew both look over. I walked up to them and gave them a hug. "Let's start."

Aiden whistled and everyone looked over. "Good morning everyone. Tomorrow we will be raiding our rival gangs spot. We will be taking Jaden Daniels and his gang by surprise. We have been watching them closely and have attained a lot of information from one of the members in the gang who is on our side," Whispers broke out the room.

"We know for sure that they have Emmett?" One of the members asked. I nodded my head.

"Our private investigator has gotten us pictures with Emmett in them in there spot. If I find out that any of you repeat this information to Jaden and his gang you will be murdered. Am I understood?" 'Yes' was heard throughout the whole entire room. "You may go!" 

Drake turned and looked at me, "If we are doing this you're not going."

"I'm going. Point blank period. None of you are going to stop me from getting my son's father and the love of my life back. Do I make myself fucking clear?" I said as loud and harshly as I could. No one is going to tell me that i'm not going. I don't care how crazy it sounds. 

I turned and walked out, not waiting for them to respond to me. I quickly made my way into my office to grab my stuff and I left. 

Tomorrow was going to be one hell of a fucking day that's for sure...


ashes XOXO


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2018 ⏰

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