Zayn Malik Imagine - The Hike

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For a fellow Directioner, Kaysie!

Where I come from, it's common for teenagers to get out and hike away their problems. And I was no exception to the rule. If something was bothering me, I would disappear for hours at time, away in the bluffs. Serenity would be granted and I would feel better. Well, good enough to suffer through another day.

My most recent problem was a break up with long time boyfriend, James. We had dated for 2 1/2 years and now it was all done. All over, with no turning back. I was deeply heartbroken and spent most of my evenings after school and work, hiding in the cave he and I had found back when we were dating, 

There were some pictures on the wall from the times we had brought chalk. There was a spot where I had my first kiss. There was so much hurt and so much love in that cave, it killed me every time I took a step in there. However, I had no idea how else I should cope.

James seemed to be doing fine. He had moved on to some prettier and popular girl. She definitely wasn't me. She was just someone to do, while I came with emotions and a heart. James was too immature to deal with that. 

As I sat in my typical spot in the cave, I took out a granola bar devoured a snack. Between bites, I fiddled with the wrapper, the sound of crinkling echoing through the cave. As I finished my last bite of the bar, an out of breath man ran into the cave.

I was taken aback and I pressed my hands against the wall. "Hello!" I shouted, because I was deeper in the cave and I could only see a shadow.

"Hell...o...," and the sound of wretching made it's way to me.

I suspiciously got up and walked towards the shadow. He continued to vomit and I became concerned. The closer I got, the worse it smelled. As the man came into view, he became less of a terrifying creature from the wild. 

He was bent over, black hair gelled into place. A few necklaces dangled out. "I do not feel good," he began to fall. I quickly reacted and caught him.

"What's wrong?" I asked after the heaving had stopped.

"I don't, I don't know. I think," he coughed. I winced, anticpating vomit. Nothing came. "I think my ex-girlfriend posioned my water."

I lifted my right hand to his forehead. He was warm, his face was flushed, his vomit had a bit of blood in it. He couldn't wait. I pulled out my iPhone. However, instead of dialling 911, I found myself calling James.

"Yes," he answered, as if he was disappointed he had to talk to me.

The man was sipping whatever water was left in my bottle. "I need your help. There's this man that stumbled into our cav..." I paused. "A cave, that I was relaxing in, and he's sick. He vomited everywhere, he's running a fever, and he's flushed. I really need your help," I begged.

I could hear noises in the backround following was James saying he'd be up there to help me.

"My name is Zayn," he said in a hushed whisper, is breathing labored. I placed my hand on his chest. 

"My name is Kaysie," I replied. My hands slithered out from my fleece and I wrapped his shivering body the best I could. "It'll be okay."


I was woken up to heavy footsteps storming into the cave. 

"Kaysie," said James.

I cracked open my eyes, first checking on Zayn. He was still breathing, shallow, short breaths. Next my eyes found James.

"Thanks for helping me out," I said, thankful he had shown up.

"You're welcome, let's go," he said, wrapping Zayn's left arm around his shoulder.

We carried him down the bluff and into the back of James' car. Zayn was a blurry mess. He was disoriented and coughing up small bits of blood. I held him close, hoping to keep him warm.

In the middle of the ride to the emergency room, Zayn looked up at me, his eyes clouded but his heart clear and said, "You're beautiful."

It was just what I needed to hear. 

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