Just A Crack In The Wall Can Lead To A Disaster

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Picture a dam holding gallons of water.

Everyone thought the dam was fine and could hold all the water in.

But one day a boat crashed into the dam and it broke releasing the water.

The water flooded the town hurting hundreds of people.

No one realized that the dam could break, they thought it was strong since it has been up so long.

What people also don't realize is that the dam is me.

The water refers to my tears, and the boat refers to all the obstacles in my life.

I can handle a lot, but every now and then I break.

When I break the tears flow and effect the people who love me.

They don't want to see me cry.

What they don't notice is that they only help once the damage is done,

they never stop it from happening.

The town of people noticed the crack in the dam,

they didn't think much of it because they  thought it was strong.

I'm not always strong, I break.

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