Chapter 1

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The windows of the Hogwarts expressed were frosted over with dew. The air was chilly this time of year and the train wasn't much warmer. The heater on the train was on and off when it felt like it. I guess that's why wizards use magic. They can fix little things like this. Even though that's the case, the train's heater is still a piece of garbage.
I shifted my legs, crossing the left over the right. The heels of my converse clicked my suitcase. How aggravating. This train was taking forever. The platform was easy enough since my mother gave me directions. However, the train was still late. What crap.
A short girl pushed open my cabin door," oh... Shit, didn't know someone was in here. My bad."
I shrugged," nah, it's ok. Sit. Maybe it'll be less of a headache this way."
She dropped her large bag and pet crate in the corner," yeah I know. The train's magic so why would it go so slow."
I glanced down at the covered pet crate," familiar?"
She nods and pulls the crate onto her lap. She struggles with the blanket that covers the cage before it finally gives way. Inside the crate is an angry looking gray tabby. It's eyes were two different colors, the left was yellow and the right was green. The cat hissed at me and I glared straight at it.
The girl laughed," he's pretty dumb, but he's cute."
I shrug," he looks dumb."
She nods," that's what makes it cute."
She laughed at her cat and covered it again," you have a familiar?"
I nod and lift up my bird cage that my small saw-whet owl sat in," his name is Pip."
She leaned over," look at it's eyes, holy crap."
I chuckle," yeah, he's cool. He's not exactly a fan of everyone."
She stared at me," did we introduce our pets before ourselves?"
I laugh," I guess they're more important."
She nods," hell yeah. Animals are hella cute."
She unclips her hair to fix it, that's when I noticed it was knee length," wow. That's a lot of hair."
She shrugged," it used to he longer."
I nod," oh. Well then."
She adjusts her bags in the corner," what house do you want to be in?"
I sigh in contemplation," I guess... Ravenclaw. I haven't put much thought into it. It's whatever."
She laughs," I want Slytherin."
I stare," why?"
She shrugs," why the hell not? They're cunning, mean, and cool."
I lean back in my seat," huh? Never thought about it."
She gasps in realization," oh names!"
I laugh and smile," you're right. I'm Alice Crane."
She raises an eyebrow," as in Madison Crane? As in American Minister of Magic?"
I groan," sadly."
She chuckles," well, I'm Elena Hearth."
I glance up," that sounds so familiar. Hearth?"
She nods," yeah, my mom runs Eeylops Owl Emporium."
      I smiled excitedly," that's where my mom got Pip."
      She shrugged," well, duh. There aren't many owl stores."
I rolled my eyes," oh shut it."
     She help her hands out," chill. So you packing a wand yet?"
     I nod and flip out my wand," it's Dogwood."
     She takes it carefully and examines it," what about the core and length?"
     I hum in thought," 11 1/4 inches with a unicorn tail hair core."
     She smiles," nice."
     She pulls her out and hands it to me," 11 1/5 cherry wood with a dragon heartstring core."
      I laughed caught off guard," wow. Learning spells should be a cake walk for you."
     She shrugs," probably."
     We both look over as the door opens to two guys who are unaware of us. They continue talking until they bump my luggage.
     The guy on the left stares at it," well?"
     I bat my eyes innocently," well, what?"
     He groaned," look blondie-!"
     The other guy squeezed his way between us," don't worry about it, Wonwoo."
      The blonde asian between us turns and smiles," hey I'm Jun. This is Wonwoo. Sorry about that."
       I shake my head," no problem. You can join us, I just wasn't expecting such a snarky approach."
     Wonwoo scoffs," I'll sit with the other one."
     Jun laughs," you need to stop making enemies. We could be in the same house as any of these people."
     I smile as Jun sits beside me," thank you, for standing up for me."
     He smiled kindly," you're welcome."
     I turn to Wonwoo, who glares at us," are you two seriously that gross?"
     I roll my eyes," don't be so rude."
     He leans back," whatever."
     Jun pulls a wand out and points it at Wonwoo," now, be nice."
     Wonwoo sits up and pulls one out as well and directs it to Jun.
     I hold my carefully," let's not do this, ok?"
      Wonwoo grinned," you scared?"
       I smirked and turned it to face him," try me."
       Suddenly, the train slammed on the breaks. I freaked out as I was thrown into the arms of Jun. I quickly climbed out of his arms to stare out the window. Hogwarts in all its new glory. New headmaster and teachers. New everything. The school age had even changed. First years now entered at 15, the average sophomore age. However, they wouldn't graduate until they were 19.
      This rule was to help benefit the students and all the muggles on the outside. Since 15 was a maturing age, they could adapt to it faster than an 11 year old. At 19, we were already considered adults and more capable of handling magic. I grabbed my cage and suitcase and headed out of the train. Elena was right behind me, followed by Jun and Wonwoo.
     I smiled at the place in front of me," it's so big."
     I spoke out at the same time as another student," I'm going to own this school!"
     We both looked at each other. He was taller than me but not by a lot. He was probably 5'10, only a good three inches taller. His jaw was slim but fairly sharp. His slim, brown eyes were almost as dark as his black hair. His full lips sat in a blank expression. His ears were pierced with a simple round, black piercing. He was thin but obviously strong.
     He stared at me," you're trying to own the school too?"
     I smirk and turn to meet him head on," hell yeah I am."
     He sightly towered over me," I doubt that. Back down, half-blood."
    I laughed," excuse me? I'll have you know, I'm a pure-blood."
    He smiled a bit," really?"
    I nod," yeah."
    He nods in content," then I guess we can work together. Friends?"
     I hum," yes, but only if we end up in the same house."
    He laughed," then get Slytherin."
    I shrug," alright, your name?"
    He sighed with a smirk," Jeon Jungkook, you?"
    I stare at him," Alice Crane."
    He smiles happily," ok, Crane, I'm watching you."
    He walks away and I notice a shorter girl lurking in his shadow," hey, weird girl, what're you doing?"
    She turns to me," what?"
    I look up at Jungkook," are you stalking him?"
    She shakes her head," n-no."
    Elena laughed behind me," oh she hella is!"
    I smirk," what's your name?"
    She stands up tall, still staying at the height of my nose," Leila... Leil Ruiz."
    I laugh," you won't last a day. Besides, I don't know much about Jungkook, but he seems a little too much for your kind."
   She gasps," my kind?"
   I nod slowly," yeah, what are you muggle-born? Half-blood?"
   She sighs," half-blood."
   I smirked," have fun then."
   As Elena and I walked away she grabbed my arm," can I ask you something?"
    I turn to her," sure, Elena, what is it?"
    She sighs," do you really dislike muggle-born?"
   I shrug," not really. She was just weird and people don't like being called muggle-born."
   She nods," ok, because I'm muggle-born."
   I stared at her," really?"
   She nods once again," yeah."
   I shake it off," it doesn't matter."
   She nods and tosses her bag over her shoulder. We make our way across the front entranceway and to the great hall. The hall was completely full of people. However, one man stood out. He stood on the front of the hall in a long robe. He was definitely older and his looks were aged.
I smiled as I noticed Jun and Wonwoo not too far away. I grabbed Jun's shoulder and he turned to me with a sweet smile. Wonwoo looked down and let out a smirk. I couldn't help but grown at his cockiness. The new headmaster, J.Y. Park, had announced the sorting of houses to commence. I stayed with Wonwoo, Jun, Elena and eventually managed to drag Jungkook in line with us. We had decided Jun would go first and the rest of us would follow being.
The weird girl, Leila, stuck close to Jungkook. She was just behind us and made her following very obvious.
I leaned up to Jungkook and whispered in his ear," there's a girl that's been following you."
He smirks," yeah I know."
I bite my lip and smile," wanna piss her off?"
He laughs," oh hell yeah. That'd be funny. I'll follow your lead."
I glance at her before running my hand partially up Jungkook's neck and resting it on his cheek. He smiled and placed his hand on mine, nuzzling into it.
Jun turned around and frowned," I didn't know you two were a think."
I dropped my hand from Jungkook to go to Jun.
I grabbed his forearms," we aren't I swear-"
He smiles," ohh, making someone jealous?"
I nod," yeah, we're making a girl that's following him jealous."
He laughs," oh ok."
I noticed a hair falling from the rest of Jun's combed hair. I gently brushed it into place.
He smiled," thanks, I'd hate to ruin my perfect hair."
I rolled my eyes," sure."
He gasped over dramatically," oh please, we both know how nice it is."
Jungkook walked up behind me and wrapped his arms on my shoulders lazily," you're a pretty comfy pillow."
   I sigh and let him lay his chin on my head," you're a brat."
   He smiled and stared at Jun," I forget that we're the same height."
    I smile," you two are both tall, but I think Jun is taller."
    He scoffed," I don't think so."
    Jun smiled," I am. Only an inch."
     Jungkook rolled his eyes and pressed his nose into my shoulder," what a drag."
     I thumped his forehead hard enough to get him to sit up," it's Jun's turn."
     Jun sat down on the stool and winked at me as the sorting hat was placed on his head.
    After a couple moments, the sorting hat spoke out," this is an easy one, Ravenclaw."
    The hat was removed and Jun stood up and walked over to me," I hope that even if you don't get Ravenclaw, that we get a class together."
    I nod," me too. I'll meet up with you when I'm done."
    He walked over to the the side to wait for us. Wonwoo was next. He sat down on the stool with the hat on his head.
    The hat took longer with Wonwoo that it did with Jun," I think you belong in Slytherin."
     Wonwoo stood up and joined Jun. Next was Elena. She repeated the same as the two boys.
     The hat didn't take long with her," you are Slytherin."
      She moved over to the two boys. Next was me and then Jungkook. I sat down on the stool, watching Jungkook to one side and Jun to the other.
    A little voice was in my head," you have the creativity for Ravenclaw for the cunning for Slytherin."
    I sighed," choose what you want hat."
    The hat yelled above my head," Slytherin!"
    I moved over to the group with Jungkook last from our group. He too ended up being Slytherin. Out of our group, only Jun wouldn't be with us.
    When he met up with us, I glanced at them all," did the hat say anything to you guys?"
    Jun laughed," it said I was conceded and perfect for Slytherin yet my creativity and independence ruled me for Ravenclaw."
    I frowned," we could've all been together."
     Jun smiled and wrapped an arm around me," it's ok. Let's get our schedules."
     We all walked to the station to get our schedules and school maps. In line, people pushed to get to the front. I was smashed between large crowds and eventually dragged away from the group. I tried to maneuver my way through the crowd when I was slammed to the ground. I sat up and rubbed my head.
I looked up to see a cute brown haired guy standing over me. He extended his hand and when I took it, he pulled me up.
I smiled," thank you."
He returned the smile," you're welcome, I'm Minghao. Or the8."
I laugh at his cute nickname," I'm Alice."
He looked around," were you with someone?"
I nodded," I was with a group of people, but I lost them."
He looked down to me," who?"
I sigh in thought," Jungkook, Elena, Wonwoo and Jun."
He smiles," Jun and Wonwoo?"
I nod in confusion," yeah?"
He smiles," we're friends. I'll help you find them."
He grabbed my hand and pulled me through the crowd. After a minute of walking, we were approaching the groups. Minghao found them fast. He smiled happily as Jun approached us.
He high-fived Minghao," thanks for finding my little Slytherin."
I raised an eyebrow," little?"
He laughed," well, sort of."
Minghao smiled," no problem, she almost got trampled."
Jun grabbed my face," are you okay, Alice?"
I nod," yep."
Jungkook shoved him aside," Alice, hey."
I hit him lightly," why would you shove Jun?"
He shrugged," wanted him out of my way?"
I humph and turn around," apologize."
He laughed," no way."
I turn around and walk past him to Jun," fine then."
He grabbed my arm," Alice."
I frown," please?"
He groaned," I'm sorry Jun."
Jun laughed," how did Alice ever get Slytherin?"
I smiled and rolled my eyes," that's the question."
Jun looked at Minghao," what house are you?"
Minghao smiled," Hufflepuff."
Jun frowned," we aren't together anymore."
Minghao laughed," how will you live without me, Jun?"
Jun just laughed," I'll be with Jeonghan and Dino."
I turned to Elena," any idea who our head boy and girl are?"
She nodded and flipped through her papers," Sunny and T.O.P."
I sigh," ok. Wanna explore then? Find the Slytherin dorms and all?"
She nods," sure."
As we began to walk away, Wonwoo caught up with us," you two off to explore?"
"Yeah little bit," I reply.
He nods," can I tag along?"
I shrug," sure, why not."
As we walked along, we found a group of griffindor boys picking on a shorter guy.
Wonwoo peered around before dropping his stuff and rushing in to help. After a second the boys backed up. That's when I realized that Wonwoo had pulled out his wand and was defending that guy. After a closer look, the two seemed close. Wonwoo helped him up and was talking and laughing with him.
Wonwoo looked over at us," little help?"
The group of boys was large, around eight of them. There were only four of us and one was beaten. I rushed over, yanking my wand out. The boy beside me was shorter than me. About the same height as Jungkook's stalker. He had brown hair and a baby face, yet he seemed scarily determined.
He had his wand out ready to fire and so did the rest of us. However, we were all cut short by a spell casted from the right. I glanced over at a bleach blonde tall muscular guy. His roots were darker, as if they were once black. He was pale, but definitely asian. His thick lips casted a grim smile.
He looked up at us," I noticed a few other Slytherins seeking help."
I nodded," thanks, I'm Alice. This is Elena, Wonwoo, and ..."
The guy finally spoke up," Jihoon."
The guy smiled widely," hey, I'm Jackson."
He leaned over Jihoon," wait, you aren't Slytherin... You're that genius Hufflepuff."
Jihoon sighed," please don't.."
Jackson grinned," don't what?"
I stepped in front of Jihoon," let's try to be friends, ok?"
Jackson raised his wand," wanna try me, sweetheart?"
I swung my arm and knocked his wand away," sure."
He laughed," you've got a lot of guts."
I shrug," it's a blessing."
He pointed at Jihoon," why are you protecting him?"
I look back at Jihoon," he's Wonwoo's friend and Wonwoo is a Slytherin."
I smile," besides, Jihoon is adorable like a baby."
Jihoom frowned," why does this always happen?"
I smile and hug him tightly," I think it's super cute."
Jihoon blushed," what?"
I nod," it's adorable."
Elena nodded," it is. You're barely taller than me."
I look up at Jackson," you're pretty fit, huh?"
He looks up shocked," huh? Oh yeah."
He flexes without consideration. He seemed so proud of his body. I laugh at his confidence. Jihoon sighed and began to walk away.
I waved," Jihoon, where are you going?"
He shrugged," don't know that yet."
I gasped as I felt a hug from behind. I looked over my shoulder to see Wonwoo hugging me.
I patted his fluffy hair," what?"
He smiled," thanks for standing up for Woozi. I always fear that's he going to get hurt. He can handle himself but sometimes, it's unfair."
I nod," like today."
He sighed," he needs to be more confident. He's a great guy but girls are odd to him."
I coo at the thought of him being so precious," that's so cute. He's like an innocent baby."
Wonwoo laughed," you're not wrong. He's so child-like, but he's so stern."
I giggle," he's a tiny man."
He nods," he is. Oh by the way, I'll walk you guys to the Slytherin dorms, okay?"
I nod," sounds great."

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