What Just Happened?

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Norway, who was becoming more and more flustered with the Dane next to him, was trying to create a new spell that would keep food from getting spoiled.

"Nor! Norge! Norgey! Come to bed. It's getting late and I want to cuddle!" Denmark whined, poking Norway in the cheek.

"I couldn't even go to sleep up there if I wanted to. Sealand and his friends are over and they're always to loud," as if on cue a crash was heard from the second floor. "I'll be up as soon as I'm done anyways, which would be a lot sooner if you would leave me alone!" Norway snapped.

"But Nor!"

Norway sighed and tried his best to focus on the spell. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He focused on turning the rotting bag of vegetables back to ripeness. More loud sounds combined with Denmark's consist whining and Norway broke. He snapped out of focus and threw his hands in the air.

"I give up! I'm not doing this tonight, and you!" he glared at Denmark. "You can sleep on the couch!"

Norway stormed up to the room he shared with Denmark and threw Denmark's pillow and blanket out of the room before locking himself inside. Denmark knocked on the door.

"Come on Norgey! Let me in. I'm sorry!"

"Go away!"

"Uncle Denmark!" Sealand tackled the man in a hug. "You wanna play?"

"Not right now Sea. Why don't you have a Pokémon battle with Ladonia?"

"He's already in the middle of one with Niko and Kugelmugel and Wy are painting so I'm bored!"

"Sorry kiddo."

"You look sad Uncle Denmark. Are you and Norway having another fight?" Sealand points to the blanket laying on the floor.

"Maybe just a little one. But you don't need to worry about it. You're too young to understand these kinds of things."

"Am not!" Sealand puffed out his cheeks in annoyance. He hates being told he's 'too young' for things.

"Whatever shorty. I'm going to bed, on the couch I guess. Try not to break to many things. Don't want you're parents to get mad."


Sealand ran back to his room and Denmark went downstairs. He threw his pillow against the arm of the couch and lied down, spreading his blanket over him. Iceland was already asleep in his room, somehow. Finland had made the micronations go to bed for the night, to their dismay. They didn't think they should have a bedtime, especially Wy because she is recognized. After the kids were asleep, Finland and Sweden went to bed together. The night was peaceful and everyone slept all night.

Sun shone threw the window of Sealand's bedroom. He groaned in slight pain as he picked himself up off the floor. He could have sworn he fell asleep in bed. In fact, Wy was the only one not to sleep on the large bed because she didn't want to sleep with the four boys. But Sealand's bed was plenty big enough and he shouldn't have fallen off. He stood and felt surprisingly tall standing next to his bed. And when he looked at his bed, his friends seemed larger too. He looked across the room to the pallet were Wy was sleeping. His eyes widened at her. Not only was she taller, she was curvier.

"Guys! Wake up!" Sealand yelled, shaking them.

"What is going on!" Ladonia questioned.

"We grew!"

"Vhat?!" Kugelmugel questioned.

"Look at Wy!"

"Umm...." the other three boys hummed, staring at the sleeping girl.

"Wy! Wy! Wake up!"

"Ugh... Why does my chest hurt? And why is it so heavy?" she asked looking down at herself. "Ahhhhh! What happened!?"

"We grew," Sealand repeated.

As the micronations were panicking so were the Nordics. Iceland was the first one to wake up and he noticed that everything seemed large. He ran to his brother's room, pounding on the door.

"Go away Den. I'm not letting you in!" Norway yelled sleepily, surprised at the squeakiness of his voice.

"Norway it's me! I'm little again!" Iceland yelled.


There was a loud thump on the other side of the door, which could be assumed to be Norway falling out of bed due to freaking out. Norway threw the door open and stared at his brother.

"We are kids again!" Norway shouted.

"I can see that."

"Ahhhh!" Two loud screams came from down the hall. Norway and Iceland ran to Sweden and Finland's bedroom.

"Su-San! I'm tiny! And you're smaller too!" Finland squeaked.

"What happened Norway?" Sweden questioned as Norway and Iceland entered.

"I'm not sure. We should check and see if this happened to Denmark too."

A yelp from downstairs confirmed Norway's suspicion. Denmark raced up the stairs to find the others shrunk as well.

"I'm so small. I feel weird! Norge! Do something!"

Nordics And Micronations Age SwapWhere stories live. Discover now