Better Get Used To It

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"Sealand, listen very carefully. I'm not bleeding normally, okay? This is a special kind of bleeding that needs special bandages and special medicine. So go to the store and find the aisle that I tell you not to go in when we buy candy and find a package that says pads. Buy them and bring them back here. And also lots of chocolate," Wy explained as best she could.

"Okay, but the store is a long walk. What if you bleed out by then?"

"Just go!"

Sealand rushed out to the store as fast as he could. Meanwhile, down in Norway's magical lab, Norway threw open the door. He went over to his spell book and looked at the incantation he tried to use last night. Luckily, there was a reversal potion in the book. Just make it and pour it on whatever was effected. Norway gets to work on the potion.

Upstairs the micronations and the rest of the Nordics were gathered in Sealand's room, minus Wy who was still in the bathroom.

"I don't like being tiny again. It's so weird. I'm thirsty," Denmark whined, pulling a beer out of nowhere. He chugged it and then looked as if he would faint. "What the hell!" He held his head as the room started to spin.

"Your smaller body can't handle your alcohol levels. It's not ready for it," Sweden told him.

"But....I don't get drunk."

"You do now, moron," Ladonia snickered.

"I am worried about Wy. Is she going to be okay?" Niko asked.

"Wy will be fine as soon as Sealand gets back," Finland assured.

There was a loud explosion and everyone rushed downstairs. Norway lied on his back on the floor near a large cauldron of bubbling purple ooze.

"What happened Nor!?" Denmark called.

"My's unstable. I was making the potion to reverse the effects of the spell but when I tried to enchant the potion as the book says it blew up." He pointed to the ceiling were some of the purple ooze was dripping from.

"It makes since. You didn't start getting a hold on your powers until you hit puberty, and based on what Wy is going through right now we can assume that not only do we look like we de-aged, we actually did," Finland said.

"Are jou telling me zhat ve're stuck like zhis?!" Kugelmugel suddenly yelled.

"Pretty much," Iceland answered.

At the store, Sealand was looking all over the 'forbidden aisle' as Wy often called it. There were so many choices here and he had no clue which ones to get.

"Do you need help? Buying for your girlfriend, aren't you? That's nice. I don't know a lot of guys who would do that," a woman's voice said from behind him.

He turned around to see Seychelles standing there.

"Here, buy these ones. They're a little more expensive but they're way more comfortable and work so well. She'll be pretty happy with you. And make sure you get her some sweets too, even if she didn't ask for any. Best medicine for a girl on their period."

"Thanks," Sealand nodded but was still confused. 'What's a period? How can chocolate be medicine? Mom always says it's bad for you. And why are these bandaids so big?'

Sealand got to the counter and grabbed a few chocolate bars before paying for everything and heading back.

Sealand walked through the door and went upstairs. He knocked on the bathroom door.

"Wy, I'm back," Sealand said.

"Okay. Come in," Wy replied.

Sealand slowly opened the bathroom door to find Wy in the shower. Her clothes lied on the floor, bloody. It was more blood than Sealand expected.

"Just leave the pads on the bathroom sink. Could you go get my bag? I need clean clothes," Wy asked from behind the shower curtain.

"Sure. I'll be right back."

Sealand returned with Wy's bag. He set it on the floor.

"Do you need help with anything?" Sealand asked, worried.

"No. I'm fine. You can leave. I'll be out in a little bit."

Sealand left the room but sat outside the door to wait for Wy in case she needed anything.

Nordics And Micronations Age SwapWhere stories live. Discover now