It's Okay

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"Leave her alone," Sealand snarled.

Romania was eyeing Wy, making her uncomfortable as she leaned closer to Sealand.

"Don't vorry. I von't harm zhis gorgeous little doll. Come now, let's see if ve can fix jour little problem," Romania chuckled.

Norway and Romania went to Norway's magic lab and the others waited in the living room. Wy sat next to Sealand on the couch, almost sitting on him as she clung to his arm.

"Thank you," she whispered.

"I didn't like him getting that close to you. He needed someone to stop him. Just because he's here to fix this doesn't give him the right to make a move on you."

Finland and Sweden exchanged glances. Sweden could read the expression on his lover's face and hugged him.

"It'll be okay. Think of this experience as a glimpse into the future. We have years to prepare before this happens for real," Sweden said in a comforting manner, making the Finnish boy smile.

"I want to be a kid again. I feer to tarr and awkward," said Niko. "Japan-san wirr be here to get me soon too. What wirr he say when he sees me grown?"

"Don't vorry. Ve should be back to normal soon. I just hope Austria doesn't show up before we do. That vould be a strange conversation," Kugelmugel said.

"I'm sure Unc and Vamp can fix this," Landonia remarked.

"I hope so. I don't want to stay like this," Wy complained.

"It will be okay, love," Sealand said. He usually tried to hide his British accent and tendencies when it came to speaking but right now, calling Wy love, it just felt right as it slid off his tongue.

"What did you just say?" Wy asked.

"What do you mean? Is something a bother? Oh my! It's happening, isn't it? I sound like that bloody git England!"

"Umm...this can't be right. His voice shouldn't do that. It's not his age that controls that!" Finland panicked.

"We should tell Norway," Sweden recommended.

Everyone nodded in agreement and Sealand, along with Wy, Finland, and Sweden, went to Norway's lab. When they entered Romania and Norway were searching through the shelves for ingredients. Romania noticed first, sniffing the air and turning around with a smile that made Wy cling just a bit tighter to Sealand. Norway turned as well and let out a sigh.

"We're working as hard as we can. It will take some time and we might need to replenish my supplies," Norway huffed.

"It's not that Uncle. It seems as though my voice is changing into something that resembles the English wanker," Sealand explained.

"Oh! Zhat can't be good. Vhat else is going on? Is anyone else having odd effects?"Romania asked.

"What kind of odd effects?" Sealand asked, thinking back to something.

"Anyzhing zhat jou didn't do before or notice. New emotions, changes of any kind?" Romania asked.

"Ummm..." Sealand flushed red and looked around him. "No! None that I can think off! I'm going to..ahhh...go ask the others! Wy! You should come with me!"

Sealand ran off, pulling Wy along beside him. Finland and Sweden nodded to each other and then told Romania what they believed was happening.

"What the hell Sea! Are you sure you're a'ight?" Wy yelled, yanking her hand free while they were in the hallway.

"No! I'm not alright. Damn it, Wy. You're just too...too bloody attractive!" Sealand spurted, but covered his mouth as soon as he realized what he said.

Wy turned slightly pink. Sealand's eyes grew to the size of saucers as he backed away. He turned and went into a full on sprint. He ran up the stairs and locked himself in his room. Wy followed him, somewhat slowly due to her condition. When she reached the door she knocked softly.

"Sea, let me in. It's okay. Please, just open up Sealand."

Sealand got up and slowly, hesitatantly opened the door. Wy stepped inside and brought a hand up to caress his face. Her thumb ran up and down his cheek and he leaned into her touch.

"Sea, look at me," she ordered softly, "I think you've been really sweet today."

She pecked him on the lips. Sealand blushed bright red and his breathing hitched.

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