Chapter 11

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Chapter Elven

Diary Entry Five
Dear diary, February 11, 2015
Sorry for not writing since Monday, but it's just been a normal suckish week so you missed nothing. Dumb old fat Abby. But, we made some plans. We as in Kendall, Brooke, Maddie, Chloe. The three of them are just as pissed off and done with Abby as l am. We don't have it all planned with the who's what, but we'll make Abby regret all she's done to us. One of us is going to screw up the studio and her house. TP her house, graffiti that walls, smash a window or two. Graffiti the studio inside out, smash the glass in front of the trophies, snap some trophies, just a few of the things that'll tick her off when we do Another's smashing her car. Classic smashing it up with a golf club and slashing some wholes in the tires. Another's gonna taking her freaking precious dead dog body and 'properly dispose of it. The last one gets to ruin her business, her reputation The last one gets to do the finishing touches on everything, add to the destruction of everything. And it all happens tomorrow. 9:00. Abby goes out to dinner every Friday night 8:30-10 10:30ish Leaving her house and the studio open and alone for us. It'll be perfect.

I stare at the page, reading it again. Their brutal. I look at all my previous notes and evidence I have. Abby Lee Miller was killed on February 12, 2015. It happened that night. But how? look again, trying to find something to pin it on one of the girls. My eyes stop where it lists the names.
"We as in Kendall, Brooke, Maddie, Chloe." Nobody talks like that. They would say three names and I. Not that. I look closer. As I look closely, I notice the thick layer of paint-on white out under all the names. So our killer changed it.
I try pealing it up, but theirs no way getting that stuff up. flip the page, hoping to be able to see through the page. All I see under it is a piece of tape with white out over it. Our killer cut out the part with names on it, put tape on the back, white out over it, and wrote on the white out.
Looks like our killers smarter than I was hoping.

Who do YOU think killed Abby Lee Miller?

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