Just Doin' My Rounds

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You guys are making fun of me behind those screens, but that security guard I like is DAMN fine, so thought I'd get out the fantasy before I implode upon seeing him again.

I smooth my ponytail again, hoping my walk in the heat hadn't mussed it at all. My backpack is heavy on my spine, and my lunchbox at my side is swinging with my arms as I stride to the front doors of the library just under a mile from my school. As they swoosh open automatically, my stomach knots a little as I remember the security desk just beside these doors. With a subtle glance over as I enter the building, I smirk and feel my hands grow clammy at the sight of a certain security guard.

It's stupid, I know. I'm just a junior in high school, and he's probably in his mid-20s with a girlfriend and a quaint apartment, but I still blush every time he compliments my witty tee shirts. I go the library every Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday, and he usually works on at least two of those days. My wardrobe consists of a bunch of band tees and skinny jeans, but it doesn't go to waste because I've gotten plenty of compliments on them. The most important being from him.

I don't even know his name. The security guards don't wear name badges that I can see, so I would have to ask, and that's too forward a move for a girl like me to make. Of course, the student ID I'm forced to wear during school hours is commonly forgotten, so I wear it around my neck all the way to the library, where I don't remember it until after he's probably read my name and grade. 

As I walk up the stairs to my usual, secluded spot on the second floor, nestled in the corner of the building behind eight rows of autobiographies, I wonder if I'll ever even speak to him. He always does his rounds every thirty minutes, just walking each floor looking for naughtiness. He always has to check my corner; it'd be super easy to pull shenanigans from such a difficult spot to get to. He peeks his head around the corner, takes a second to notice me, then grins that dazzling white smile and retreats, the slight jingle of his keys fading into the rest of the library noises.

I stay until five, so he usually does three rounds. Three gorgeous smiles sent my direction...

I set my backpack on the ground next to my cushioned chair, and pull out my math textbook. Thank God for study hall...

I can't help but keep an eye on my phone, always checking the time and waiting for him. I don't even know why I bother to try at homework anymore; every five minutes I check to see how much closer I am to that beautiful mouth spreading across his constantly surprisingly attractive face...

I hear the jangle of the keys and my hearts flutters. It's so terrible how completely that noise can affect me...

I squirm in my seat, wondering if I look casual and cute with my knees tucked up as they are and my books spread across my lap. As I move around, my pencil manages to slip off of my notebook spiral and tumble to the ground, mere inches from the wall he peeps around. I groan and set my book aside, leaning forward to grab it and hoping he doesn't come until after I've regained my composure. My lower half remains on my chair, but my torso has to leave it in order to get at the pencil. I lean on my left arm for support, reaching with my right hand and straining to keep my balance so I don't tumble off the chair.

I realize I'm too late as I see his black shoe appear just beside my pencil. I squint my eyes in preparation for the smirk on his face, and then I look up. God, those eyes...I had never gotten a good enough look at them, but now...They're the lightest blue I've ever seen. They're crinkled around the edges as he grins down at me, and I barely have the time to hold in my gasp before he reaches down to grab the pencil for me.

I push myself back to my seat, gracefulness not included. I exhale sharply as I resettle into my chair, and he holds the pencil out for me. "I think you might've dropped this."

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