Social anxiety

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Social anxiety

The eyes are always staring at you as you walk past.
They are all judging you,
"Wow she's fat."
"Can she be any uglier?"
"I'd laugh if she fell."
Your heart races and so does your thoughts and legs,
Speed up.
Hopefully they'll ignore you.

You slip into the tiny toilet to calm your thoughts,
"They don't care about you."
"They are not judging you."
"They're in the same boat as you."
You repeatedly chant to yourself in the mirror,
"They don't care about you."
"They are not judging you."
"They're in the same boat as you."
Now you've been in the toilet too long,
Get out.
You are normal.
You are strong.

Disappointed faces surround you,
"Why can't you talk to one stranger?"
"Why can't you socialise at a party?"
"Why can't you speak on the phone?"
Your legs shake out of fear.
The shaking is uncontrollable,
Your fear is uncontrollable.
Why aren't you like the others?

You keep a secret,
In plain sight it hides,
Covered by lies and half truths,
"Don't want to."
"Can't be bothered."
It is a secret out in the open for everyone to see.
It is a secret you will never tell,
But actions speak louder than words.
It is a secret that has separated you from the world,
It has isolated you in a small glass box.

You have social anxiety,
And there's nothing you can do about it...

I have social anxiety,
And there's nothing I can do about it.


Social anxiety poemWhere stories live. Discover now