A game

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Inside stiles head
I don't know stiles if you don't get this right you will never see Malia again. Stiles thought as hard as possible. An echoe. Now answer my question . Stiles I surprised you haven't figured it out by now. Figure out what? That I'm behind all of this. How can you be behind all of this. Ever since I was thought to be defeated Ive been concocting this plan. To absolutely destroy your pack. Why and how. Because y'all keep getting in my way thats why. But the how that an interesting story. I first tried the benefactor I was the one who really told Meredith to start it. But when that failed I had to came up with another plan to become a huntsman one of the most powerful creatures their is. Next your gonna tell me that you were behind the dread doctors. No not the dread doctors THEO,and Dave. How do you think they were able to manipulate you so easily I told them to mess with the two people that impact you the most. I was the one that told them to mess with Malia and your father. And once Malia is out of your life their would be nothing left of your humanity and then I could be free. You son of a bitch stiles yelled. And the best part about it is you can't do anything about it you can't change the body of the host since your already part coyotes. You see stiles I've won even before the games has even begun. That's were you're wrong, the nogitsune tilted his head. You think you know everything but you don't. I've always had this feeling that you were coming back. Well that's dandy and all but your running out of time and so are your friends.you remember what I did with Oliver  I think it night time by now and I've made some friends too
Malia pov
I was holding stiles under the water he's body twitch every now and then. I would see blue flash ever once and a while from stiles eyes. Nightfall hit. I was just hoping that stiles would wake up soon. We heard someone bust open the door the came in they the room ready to fight oni,and Kate,and my mom. Deaton grabs as sword from under the table. Deucalion shifts along with Liam. I won't to help but I'm afraid to leave stiles without his anchor. I hear fighting and howling. I saw Deaton fighting one of the onis, Liam fighting my mom and Deucalion fighting Kate. Stiles please wake up.
Inside stiles head
Your wife calling you how does it feel that she going to die and that you can't do anything to help her must be agonizing. But for me would like my plan is go exactly to plan. I only wish Scott and the rest were their so the could die too. I should kill you. You can't kill a sprit stiles you should now that buy now. I can sure as hell trying. Wake up stiles wake stiles do it for Malia .

Malia pov
Im try to get stiles to come back to me.pleases baby wake up. Then Kate come onto the room a little bloody. "I need that body" she said your not going to get it

 "I need that body" she said your not going to get it

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I rush at her pushing her against the wall. Then she kicks me to the floor it doesn't faze me me I will not let them take his body. I throw punch after punch she tries to claw me she gets my arm. I had to much adrenaline pumping to care. Every bone in my body wants to rip this girl to shreds. At this point I didn't care about being the bigger person I only cared about my family. I clawed at any part of her body I could touch. But I forgot that she was a argent she fired a gun to my stomach and chest. I try to get up but she shots me I knees. I'm not going to let you take his body. I crawl to her still trying to fight she shot my hand and my arms.ahhhhhhhh

Stiles head
Ahhhhhhh . You here that stiles that's not a hell of pleasure that their is the sound of death of your wife. If I no one thing is that Malia is strong and she not going to die. Poor stiles you just can't come to realize that you've lost and it my turn to take control. You will never see her again. All because you had to save your friends parents that night. When all you had to do was listen to for the admired. You won't take control ever again.

Malia pov
I keep trying to crawl to him. "You just don't give up do you"Kate said before emptying the rest of her clip into my back. The room begins to blur I and I fill my body shutting down and I blackout see them take stiles body away.

Kate pov
Corrine help me with this. Help me get him out the water into this body bag.you get his legs I'll get his arms.1.2.3. Lift " God he is heavier than expected. Let's put him in the back of the van

The next morning
Scott pov
I wake up next to Kira I turn my phone on. I see that the alarm for the clinic has Ben set off. I call Deaton he doesn't pick up I call stiles he doesn't pickup then Malia then Deucalion then Liam no one picked up I call Hayden she picks up.

Hey Scott

Hey have you heard from Liam

No I thought that he was with you

Well if you hear something call me

I call Lydia

Hey is everything alright

No, no ones answering their phones and the alarm at the clinic gone off

Scott I've got a bad feeling

Like a banshee bad feeling

Yes I would get to the animal clinic fast

Me me their in 10 minutes


End call

What going on asked Kira. We need to get to the animal clinic now." Ok let's go" I grab my keys and we get on my motorcycle. We got the see ever one all beat up . I knelt down next to Liam " where's Malia" she over their he pointed.  At a body on the floor. Malia I ran over to her I roll her over on her back. Malia I roared her eyes shot open. "They took him they took stiles p. Malia who took stiles Kate ,my mother, and oni.

Kate pov
Lets put him on the table alright said Corrine. Let un do the bag. Kate unzips the bag . Revealing stiles face

A/n haha hoped you liked the twist

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A/n haha hoped you liked the twist. Which part of stiles woke up

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