Are you okay? Part 1

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before school ended I had to walk home because I didn't want anyone to see my embarrassment and I was so mad at Dietrich.

How could he do that to me?

I thought he loved me.

everything was going great. We were fine.

Was he just not feeling it anymore?

Was I not good enough for him.

I got home thirty minutes later because I was walking really slow and my vision was a lite bit blurry but I was keeping my tears inside of me .

I was just so done with everything.

but I had to shake things off because I'm strong. And I didn't want my twin brother to be right like he always is. I just needed to take my time on things.

I went into the kitchen and made some tea to soothe me and I had some crackers.

I walked upstairs and watched movies and let my tears fall as I was watching some romance movies.

If only life could be as perfect as a movie.

Where there's always a happy ending and stuff. I don't know.

Hey sis are you okay I saw you walk home alone so I followed you I wanted to see if you're okay." Cort asked me as he walked into my room making sure to take his shoes off as he stepped closer to me.

I looked like I mess but I'd just lie about it anyways maybe he'll believe me if I try to act like I'm better now.

" yea I'm fine" I said looking anywhere but him I was to busy focussing on the screen.

that's good" he said and smiled

"I mean I would like to be doing great and all" I said looking down at my lap. " Mel" Cort said as he walked a little closer to me.

"yeah?" I asked him.

I promise you'll be okay. you just have to be strong for me and I'll be strong for you we are a team. a very good team and I love you."said Cort as he leaned in to kiss my cheek as I turned my head it mad me accidentally kiss him on the lips. "Sorry." I said not looking at him because I was embarrassed.

"it's okay sis just know that I love you okay?" He said and quickly glanced at me as he wipe off my tears and turned around ready to leave.

"Cort?" I asked him squinting my eyes.

"Yeah?" He asked as he turned around.

"Thank you for everything, you're the greatest brother ever I love you so much." I said as I got up and hugged him.

He smiled and hugged me back and walked back over to his room.

The next day at school I walked pass all the halls and ignored everyone.

I really wasn't feeling it and I didn't need to have anyone burst my bubbly because they would get slapped.

but it was whatever.

all of my classes were boring and repetitive we learned the same thing over and over again.

"Okay everybody we will be having a pop quiz" the teacher said and everybody groaned and rolled their eyes.

I don't know what's weirder the fact that I love pop quizzes or the fact that everybody hates them.

as we were doing the pop quiz Dietrich kept trying to talk to me and I really didn't want to talk to him so I kept ignoring him.

I was almost finished when I got hit by something and I saw a paper ball on the ground.

before I could reach up and get it someone already got it and it was the teacher.

"oh what do we have here?" she said examining it.

she unfolded the paper ball and it read.

"can we talk. -Dietrich"

I rolled my eyes at that.

she looked at Dietrich and said: "I'll be seeing you at detention after school, one you do not throw things in my class, two you do not throw things at other students and three you're supposed to be taking a quiz not trying to cheat with somebody. You're lucky I didn't take the pop quiz away from you." she said.

he rolled his eyes and looked at me with pleading eyes.

I shook my head.

we all finished our quizzes and it was now time for lunch.

I sat down at my usual table and Cort was right next to me and we were talking about some stuff when Dietrich walks up.

"baby can I please talk to you.?" He said

"I'm not a baby." I said.

"well that's a start, I just wanted to tell you that  I'm sorry and that kiss didn't mean anything at all." He said.

I rolled my eyes and scoffed.

"I think it would be best if you would just leave." I said looking at him.

"Come on baby don't be like this." He said and now he was really drawing a crowd.

"She said leave." Cort spoke up.

"Oh and what are you going to do about it mr. "I think I'm all big and tuff because I punched my older brother in the jaw when I'm really not tuff and can't do anything." Dietrich said to my brother and I started bawling my eyes out.

"That's it." Cort said and he stood up and tackled Dietrich to the ground and punched him several times in the face so that his nose was a bloody mess.

the principal quickly can and broke everything up.

and my brother was sent to the office. again.

I was crying really hard and my friend were hugging me.

Cort's pov:

The principal took us in.

"Cort come on man you're a good student and now you're doing this what is wrong with you." One of my buddies said as we walked past my basketball team.

I know I was setting a bad example and my coach will possibly kick me off of the team for this I didn't care.

This jerk deserved.

"What happened this time?" the principal asked annoyed.

"he was harassing my sister." I said.

"that's totally not true." Dietrich said.

and I scoffed.

"Then oh really what's true?" I asked him.

"I was just talking to her and you had to tag along and you're just jealous of me." he said.

"jealous of you..haha you thought." I said turning away.

"i will get you back." Dietrich said.

"Round two lets go right now." I said testing him as i took a step closer to his face.

The principal cleared his throat and turned to us.

"That's enough you guys are both suspended for 3 weeks." he said.

"three weeks really?" Dietrich said groaning.

"yes, now get your things and go home I'll notify your parents." he said.

"This isn't over, prettyboy." I said to him.

"better watch your back Cort." he said

"okay." I said

I went and got my stuff and headed home.

my parents are going to flip.

oh well it was worth it.

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