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4realchiara: when ur celebrity crush knows u exist  // be ready for some good news (i guess)

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4realchiara: when ur celebrity crush knows u exist // be ready for some good news (i guess)


Haileesteinfeld: i know who dis about!

Username1: celebrity crush? You mean seb-

4realchiara: hu uh sure haileesteinfeld

Chrisevans: can't wait for the news!! And no liking guys until ur 50!

Anthonymakie: lmao chris wyd

Renner4real: why do we both have 4real on our usernames

4realchiara: chrisevans why? Bc ur scared i'll marry someone first before my big brother gets married?

4realchiara: renner4real fate.

RobertDowneyJr: fucking savage my child.

Username2: holy shit savage and is the newS RELATED TO MCU?!

Username3: if she's gonna be in a new movie of mcu imma quit the fandom, she's so problematic

Username4: username3 um problematic how????? She's an angEL

Chrisevans: username3 how is my sister a problematic person? You don't even know her in real life. 2+2=7

Caradelevigne: chrisevans i don't think you need to put 2+2=7 there.....

MarkRuffalo: can't wait for the news!

4realchiara: MarkRuffalo HI GREENIE

Imsebastianstan: am i ur celebrity crush?

4realchara: maybe 😊imsebastianstan

Imsebastianstan: i'll take that as a yes 😆 ur also my celebrity crush soo

Anthonymackie: imsebastianstan more like a real crush #Sebiara

Chrisevans: ummmm it's a no AnthonyMackie. Imsebastianstan needs to face me first

Username5: ^^^^ civil war?

TomHolland1996: hey guys

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