chapter 1

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This is my own work! Please do not steal, or plagiarize, and enjoy! This is also really long, but feedback is appreciated.

Snow Kelley's POV

In the morning, the blaring alarm on my iphone went off, I got up but could barely keep my eyes open. I realized it was Friday and I woke up a little bit more. I got up and dressed in my favorite outfit to wear on Friday's. A My Chemical Romance long sleeved band t-shirt, smokey gray pants with rips on the thighs, my bracelets and watch, and my spiked black combat boots. The day past by like a slow blur of shoves, name calling, and droning teachers, but in my last period class, wood shop, the councilor came over the intercom. "Can you please send Snow Kelley to the office please? She will be leaving." Who could possibly be picking me up? My parents were still at work. Could they be the ones picking... no they wouldn't ever allow me to miss school, especially since it is Friday and school was almost out.  I put my project in my locker and put my safety glasses away, gathering my stuff quickly. I bid farewell to my "friends" with a secret handshake and heard a few snickers. I didn't have many friends but the ones I did have were very similar to each other. Fangirls and readers. All though, we weren't very close, because they have proven to me on one huge instance that I couldn't trust them when I told them a huge secret, and they fed it to the rest of the school, claiming 'It wasn't a huge deal.' Well, when you are shoved into a wall, and called names on a regular basis daily, it kinda is. You catching my drift as to what the secret was? If not, it will come to light later when Ro- oops said too much! I walked as quickly as I could, getting laughed at and shoved into a wall, to the front office. When I got closer I heard familiar voices.
"Grandma? Grandpa? I missed you guys!" It had been a few years since I had last seen my grandma and grandpa Kelley.
"Snow! My girl how are you?" My grandma said delightedly as she hugged me.
"I'm doing good. What are you guys doing here?" I said.
"Your parents called and asked for us to take you on vacation. They said they wanted you to try and meet new people. But where we're going, you'll be lucky to see anybody but us."  My grandpa spoke up and I looked at him. "We will stop by your house and let you get some stuff for the week. We have a long road ahead of us, so we should get going." He had gray hair and a wrinkly face that made you think of a person who was proud of the life they've led, but he was in a wheelchair, and that was worrying me deeply, but I didn't show it
When we were outside the building my grandma said "My, you have grown dear. How old are you?"
"I'm 14 and turning 15 in June." I answered. She was telling the truth though, I was very tall for my age, like, 5' 8" tall. I was kind of on the smaller side when it comes down to weight, not too much, but just a little... ok, maybe a lot but still. I didn't get any sleep really ever and avoided eating as much as possible. Gaining weight was the last thing I needed. But I could care less what anybody had to think about it-or at least that is what I liked to tell myself. I have short, hand straightened(as it is naturally very loosely curly), choppy black hair as long as my strong jaw line with bangs hanging over my eyes, a small nose with a spike piercing, frighteningly bright blue-gray eyes that clashed with my black eyeliner and shadow, a small mouth that had wounds on them from biting them too much, and a very tomboyish personality. I was not one you would expect to love and cry over books, but this was the way I was, and I had been pushed around for far too long to care about anybody else's life statements, which results in my utter resentment I have for bright colors like a child might their broccoli.
"I'm so excited." I said quietly.
"You should be. This place is so secluded and quiet, it would be every reader's dream." My grandpa stated matter of factly.
"Ooooo..." I said, interest peaking.
"It is nothing but trees for miles. We have a bit of land, about 3 acres or so. You can go walking around whenever you'd like." My grandma jumped in.

~ 10 minutes later~

We drove for a while, and stopped at my house. It wasn't big at all; it was a smaller home actually. It had cream-colored stucco on the outside and a three-car garage. My room is (if you stand in the house and face the front door) on the right, in the front with a huge window on the wall facing the front yard. My room was entirely painted purple, my bed dominated the room with a purple and gray chevron blanket, I had built in bookshelves on my walls, a hanging TV, and as you already knew, Christmas lights lining the top sides of my room, with a ceiling fan that I had forgotten to turn off. I flicked it off because I would be gone for a week with my door closed, and nobody would notice it. I walked to my closet and opened the door, I reached up and grabbed as many of my clothes that I would need for the week. The few clothes I had that weren't black, were dark colors like purple and navy blue, even then it shocked people to see me wear colored clothes instead of black, and most of them were band t-shirts, so yeah.
I wandered around my room filling my duffel bag with my clothes, my charger for my phone, a few books I had neglected to read for a while, a notebook, my drawing stuff, with charcoal pencils, and erasers. I wonder what I am going to find while I'm up there. Maybe some friends who can keep secrets. That would be a nice change. My friends are great to hang around, but as I stated earlier, not to be trusted with anything important. People called me small, petty names, but when it starts in 7th grade, and follows you to sophmore year of high school and farther, you start to believe them. But I learned that even if I can't learn to love me in my head, I could tune them out like static in the background. I turned around after getting the things I needed and walked out to the car, putting on my smile I was so accustomed to making everyday, to everybody, family or not.
I got in the car and we drove off. We drove for what seemed like forever, I listened to my music and read, but eventually I got car sick from reading, so I listened to my music staring out the window as the scenery flew past my window like pen smears. Quick and blurry, nothing special, just rocks and a beating sun in the middle of nowhere.
"How long?" I asked looking at the clock and noticing we have been driving for three hours, and my stomach was growling, like always.
"At least another 2 hours. Are you hungry?" My grandpa asked
"Yah, a little." I said, being somewhat truthful to get out of it.
"Ok we'll stop and get something when we get back to civilization. Does Subway sound ok?"
I laughed a little "Sure. I'm good with anything." He nodded and about an hour later, we stopped at a subway that didn't have a single car in the lot. We walked in and the mean looking teenager behind the counter took our order, but I recognized him, and every part of my head was screaming run. He looked at me, smirked then mouthed
"Hey gay girl"
Just then did I realize who he was. He was one of the people that had graduated and left the school, but he was also one of the people that bullied me on a daily basis, he was the one my two "friends" told first, hence him being the one to start the insult 'gay-girl', and to have been the one.... no.I am not going to think about that. He was the one that made my everyday hell, so I turned to my grandparents and said I had to use the bathroom. I locked the door behind me as I walked to one of the mirrors, to look myself in the face, and think about everything I had endured, and to tell myself, that all of that is over and I will never have to deal with it again... ha! That was just about as likely as a fish deciding to spend the rest of its life on land. If I saw him here, then where do I go to escape these people?
I walked out when it began getting unbearable to be in a room with myself, to be around people so that I forced myself to ignore my problems. I straightened out, as I came into his field of vision, trying to be intimidating but I knew it wasn't working. The look on his face told me that he knew he had won the battle long ago, but I never let him win the war. I took the honors of doing it to myself. Fortunately, my grandparents got the sandwiches to go, unfortunately they asked me about him.
"Snow, when we got in there, you looked like you knew him. Who is he? Why do you know him?" My grandpa asked. He was much more talkative then I would have expected.
"Oh, I knew him from school."
"Were you two friends? More than friends?"
"Me and him? No! Absolutely not! We were anything but a couple, we weren't even friends!" I gagged on my sandwich just thinking about it. Ew. Him and me? Not in a trillion years; not even if the River Styx froze over.
"Ok. Why do you know him?"
"I was friends with people who arre friends with him." The key word there: was.  I wanted to tell them, but how could I say something as if it were a light subject when it wasn't?
"Oh, ok fun."
""  That marked the end of our conversation. He looked in the rear view mirror at me and I smiled to fake it, but it felt like he was looking right through it.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2016 ⏰

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