Chapter 1

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I woke up in sweat; once again the nightmares were haunting me. I get out of bed and pull on a black blouse and put on my skinny jeans. I brush through my dark brown hair and apply a little makeup. My Aunt and I just moved back to Mystic Falls for her job. My aunt is a cop, which is fine with me because she's barely ever home, she doesn't bother me. I used to live in Mystic falls until my parents were killed. Let's just say this town is cursed, vampires live here. You heard me right VAMPIRES... call me crazy, but ever since the night my parents were killed by vampires I've become somewhat trained on killing them. I've made it my personal mission to rid this town of them.

Today I start at Mystic Falls High which I'm quite nervous about actually, my last high school wasn't so great in Florida, I mainly trained myself with the bow and arrow , some throwing knives when my aunt wasn't home in our fenced in yard. Walking to my bed I pull out a chest, I open it and pull out a long knife and put it inside my boot, I never leave without it. I grab my bow and arrows and put them in my old Chevy truck, along with my backpack and drive to school.

I go to the office and grab my class schedule; my first class is right by my locker. I grab my history book and walk to the big classroom, there's only one seat open next to this really hot guy with brown hair. I walk over and sit down trying not to make eye contact. Grabbing a pen and notebook out of my bag I stare ahead at the board.

"Hey." The boy next to me says.

I turn and face him, "Hi." I turn back to the board.

He laughs, "I'm Jeremy Gilbert, and you are?"

"Hazel, my aunt and I just moved here," I turn to look at him, I feel as he's looking directly into my soul.

"That name matches your eyes; maybe I could show you around sometime?" He smiles.

My face turns bright red, Get it together Hazel! "I'd like that," I smile back.

The teacher walks in, "Today we have a new student, Hazel," He points at me and I slump in my seat. Jeremy laughs under his breath. The teacher then starts to talk about the civil war and I completely space out.

Throughout the class, I see Jeremy's eyes glance at me which makes me blush; I shift in my seat nervously. The bell rings and I grab my back pack and head towards the door. Just as I'm exiting I run into a guy with dark brown hair and pretty blue eyes dropping my books.

" Woah there, in a hurry are we? Here let me help you." He bends down and picks my books up hands them to me and his hand brushes mine, I shudder at his cold touch and draw back. I stare at him and he laughs, " You must be new here, I'm Damon."

"Yes, well... thanks Damon." I quickly walk away feeling weird about how cold he was, I try not to read into it so quickly, I'll have to do some research about Mystic Falls some more. Opening my locker I grab my next set of books and head over to the cafeteria. I look and see if Jeremy is there but I don't see him anywhere. Instead, I see a guy sitting with a dark- skinned girl and a really skinny girl with long dark hair.

Walking over I ask to join them the girl turns and says, "Hi, I'm Elena, this is Bonnie and Stefan," She points to them and smiles.

"I'm Hazel, I just moved here."

" Well it's nice to meet you Hazel." Stefan smiles, "My brother Damon also should be around here somewhere," He looks around and sees him by a cheerleader with blonde hair.

He makes a face and Elena calls Damon over, "Meet our new friend Hazel."

"Oh but we've already met." He grins.

My stomach does a little flip, there's something very odd about this group of teenagers, and I will find out what it is.

"If you aren't busy tonight I'm having a birthday party, it's going to be at Stefan and Damon's house," Elena writes down the address and hands it to me.

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