The Meet

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In the crowded infamous Oracle Arena, a basketball fan's delight, Angela Robinson sits three rows behind the Golden State Warriors basketball team. All night she's been staring at the back of his head, waiting to see if he would look to the side or possibly turn all the way around as she mentally called his name.

The team was playing very well tonight. Curry was making 3-pointer after 3-pointer... his other teammates were up on their rebound and defensive guarding game also. The thrill of each play was very exciting to Angela; it made her miss playing basketball. She graduated from UCLA with a B.S. and M.P.T. in physical therapy almost three years ago now. Watching basketball takes her back to those college years... she can picture it now... late night study sessions with her girlfriends, relentless basketball practices and season games, house parties, buying her first car, and who could forget her first love. *Sigh*

Now that she's grown, she's proud of her accomplishments - graduating college with two degrees and living on her own - and proud of the woman she has become. But she can't help but wonder what her life would be like if she had played pro ball and not chickened out.

"...Fifteen seconds left... the Warriors are already winning by twelve points..." the announcer's voice echos from the loud speaker. Angela snaps out of her daydream and stands up to watch the game in anticipation, mimicking her neighbors. "...James shoots.. OHH- and misses! Thompson with the rebound speeding down the court, he passes it to Curry - seven seconds left - Curry goes for the 3-pointer... he shoots - HE SCORES! AND THE GAME IS OVER!"

The sea full of blue and yellow fans go wild, jumping and hugging each other. Angela yells "Yes!" and claps ferociously as the Warriors huddle up on the court and cheer.


Grabbing her purse, Angela smiles from ear to ear. She checks her cell phone and reads a text message from her colleague who attended the game too but sat with her family. Since her husband has "connections", she told Angela to meet by the Warrior's locker room on the lower level to take pictures and/or get autographs from the team members.

"Oh, that sounds awesome!" Angela says to herself as she slowly exits the stadium, walking up the long stairway. If only the people would move faster so she doesn't miss her chance.


Angela spots her colleague Jessica standing along the white painted brick wall across from the locker room with her husband and two little boys. Jessica waves as Angela approaches, then they hug.

"Ah! Girl, it's so good to see you!" Jessica greets her in her usual happy, bouncy voice.

"You too," Angela replies, smiling back.

"Meet my husband, James..."

James sticks out his hand and Angela shakes it while saying, "A pleasure."

"And my little rascals - I call 'em thing one and thing two - Joshua and Jacob." Jessica pats their heads and tells them to say hello to Angela, they respect her order.

"Aren't you two cute," Angela grins.

"Yuck," Jacob replies while making a nasty face.

Ignoring her sons, Jessica grabs Angela's arm looking serious and practically sticks her nose on Angela's cheek. "How was that game? Amazing, right?!"

Angela nods and grins. "My babies always win! I'm so happy right now."

"I know right! Ugh, and that Curry fellow. I tell you, honey, if I wasn't happily married..." Jessica lowers her voice to a whisper, "I'd cheat with that man all day, any day. Am I right?"

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