Fireworks (Part 1)

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Back at the Curry's home...

"This barbecue pulled pork sandwich is off the chain!"  Seth enthuses, as he walks over to the group with two sandwiches on his plate surrounded by potato chips.

Steph, sitting with his arm around his wife, looks up at his brother and laughs. "You got enough to eat?"

"I will after I finish this," Seth replies as he sits in the lawn chair beside his brother and bites into his sandwich.

Angela grins, rubbing her hands together in front of her to feel the warmth from the bonfire. The family plus Angela had eaten some more BBQ under the veranda and were gathering around the fire to eat some old-fashioned s'mores. Mr. Curry passed everyone sticks for roasting marshmallows as his wife was opening the bag of jumbo marshmallows.

"Uh... does everyone have a plate?" Mr. Curry asks.

Angela eyed her paper plate on the grass beside her chair, nodding her head. Mrs. Curry passes out the marshmallows, each person receiving only one. Seth, chowing down on his sandwiches, complains for another marshmallow. His mom explains that if he wants another he can get it after eating the first; she urges him not to be greedy. Sydel chuckles at her brother's behavior and calls him stupid.

"Where are the graham crackers and chocolate at?" Seth asks with a mouth full of food.

"I'm getting them, be patient," Mrs. Curry retorts. She grabs the box of crackers and quickly opens it, letting out a frustrated exhale.

Angela and others start roasting their marshmallows over the fire. Riley, who is sitting on Ayesha's lap, squeals about wanting to roast a marshmallow, so her mother allows her to hold the roasting stick over the fire. Riley sings little nursery rhymes while roasting, moving her head side to side with a big smile. Angela looks over and can't help but smile. Angela noticed throughout the whole day the amount of energy that the Curry's oldest child Riley carried. She was constantly bouncing around, twirling around, and singing; at Fun World, her mom was basically chasing her from each play area to the next. At lunch, she was really talkative while her mom fed her baby sister. Angela sat at the table beside her and was asked so many questions about topics like fairies and Sesame Street. They even played 'I Spy with my little eye' ... and when Angela even thought about quitting, Riley would draw her back in to the game, merely by her huge smile and cute laugh.

Angela seemed to hit it off with Riley - which meant hitting it off with Ayesha, at least she thought so. Throughout the whole day, the two women had managed to avoid each other. They participated in separate activities and acknowledged each other by forced smiles when passing. By lunchtime, Angela was sure she'd avoid her once again; then Riley happened. It's not a bad thing though. Ayesha looked genuinely happy as Angela and Riley engaged in conversation. In fact, the whole family seemed amused and at ease as they watched little Riley do what she did best: entertain. At that time, Angela didn't feel any awkward tension from Ayesha - like how she felt when Steph had told his wife that she'd be living in their guest bedroom for the weekend. Or most recently, when the paparazzi asked if she bore Steph's love child. After the question slipped out, Angela's heart skipped a beat, but she pretended that everything was fine. Surprisingly, Ayesha maintained her composure as well and didn't look fazed at all. She only groaned and commented: "Crazy press."

Perhaps, Angela thought, Ayesha hadn't heard the last comment. That would be great, if so. If a rumor about her past life involving Steph got out... especially one concerning having a baby out of wedlock?! She could only imagine the death glares she would receive from Ayesha. Not that it mattered - it was the past for goodness' sake - but somehow Angela believed that Steph wouldn't have told his wife anything about that particular situation. Well... if Angela actually told him.

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