Chapter 1 Full Moon

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"If I'd observed all the rules, I'd never have got anywhere"

- Marilyn Monroe

Dream's P.O.V

I woke up to the sound of drums being beat loudly, and wondered where the fuck it was coming from. I turned away from the window and pushed the pillows over my ears but it only seemed to get louder as I tried to block it out. After a few more seconds I jumped up pissed and ready to pounce on whatever the fuck was making that noise. I squinted my eyes towards the light to see my fucking brother with a big ass drum set on the side of my bed portraying like he was playing for a fucking stadium!

"Rain....Rain!!.....RAIN! FUCKING HELL!!!!"

I threw my glass of water at him and it broke into shards splitting the plastic off of the drums.....thank god.

"Oh great D ruin my drum set after I was nicely trying to wake you up for the first day of school!!"

"Yeah a nice way to wake up in the morning sooo thankful, and I'm not going."

For one I was tired as hell and two I did not want to be in that hell hole. I wasn't bullied or anything or than me and my use to be Bestfriend Aaron constantly and each other's throats. Ever since the beginning of freshman he completely flipped on me. We were buds since the first time I learned to open a juice box, but I guess good things eventually come to an end? But other than him I was insanely popular, which you would say "why the hell am I complaining" but trust me it gets annoying at times. I looked over to Rain staring at me with his mouth wide open as he stood up with his arms crossed.

"So you mean to tell me that not only are the most worshipped kids in school but we're hot twins at that and you wanna cock block my freedom to the ladies because of you all of sudden non-interest? Oh hell no get the fuck up bro!"

He came over to the side of the bed I was sleeping on and snatched me from under the duvet, and drug me by my ankles into the bathroom.

"Now shower and do that bro-diva shit you do, and if your not ready in 30 minutes I'm sending Randy up here!"

After he said that I jumped up and started brushing my teeth, that human horse he calls a dog scares the shit out of me. Only reason that dirt monster was even here is because he begged mom and dad for it.

After I washed my face, shaved, showered etc. I walked into my closet to find something to wear, I decided on a white Gucci hoodie, light blue acid wash jeans that had slits on both knees, and some white vans. I move a few curls out of my face as I grabbed my keys and my book bag and started walking down stairs towards the kitchen.

"Oh hey honey I just got finish with breakfast, but of course I just have your turkey bacon."

I kissed my mom on the cheek, and hugged my dad in the same sense munching on four pieces of bacon. I picked up two more and from my peripheral I seen Dad with this goofy ass grin on his face like he was proud of me as to who knows what for.

"Uhh Dad what's with anticipated stare contest, you look like I brought you home a puppy?"

"Huh? Oh! Son I just want you to know I love you very much and this next stage in your life will challenge you but you'll love it in the end. Me and your mom are so proud of you!"

Woah. Okay either one of them are dying or they are on some strong ass coffee today. Usually they are all bubbly but not this bubbly. I looked at Rain for help seeing if he found any humor in this but he was the complete opposite, he looked pretty pissed actually.

"Dad we talked about this your gonna scare the shit out of him!"

Now I had a confused faced I look between the both of them and Dad had a knowing look on his face.

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