Chapter 20

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Lei and I were sitting over by the fountain both of us sipping on a coffee. We were joking about something until we began to notice a lot of women and men alike were looking in a certain direction. Confused we stood up and tried to look through the large crowd people. We didn't have any luck catching a glimpse at whatever everyone seemed to be distracted by.

Shrugging at each other we decide to go up to the second floor, which meant going through the crowd. We didn't really mind, after all we were curious. Lei swept a hand through his hair as he tossed his empty coffee cup into the trash. I followed his lead, only my cup still had a bit in it, I was too full to finish it.

I pushed my glasses up on my face and hugged my jacket closer to me as a buzz went over me, my arm began to tingle making me look down at it. The appendage looked normal, but it didn't explain the sensation emitting from it.

Lei gave me a curious look.

"Are you okay Andreea?" He questioned, brushing his hair from his face again.

I nodded.

"Yeah, I'm fine, my arm fell asleep." I reassured.

He gave me a smile and led the way through the crowd, holding my wrist so we wouldn't get separated in the sea of people.  As we're making our way through the crowd, a hand grabs my fake one and pulls me back, causing Lei's grip to slip from mine.

I feel myself falling back and a yelp escapes me before i fall back into a hard muscular chest. A pair of hands steady me by holding my hips and a fire erupts over my skin. I felt my heart race before i could even see the person behind me.

Really weird.

There was a sexy chuckle from behind me, it sounded familiar, but something I took notice of Lei looking very surprised and almost in awe.  Frowning, I turn around only from my mouth to part in awe and surprise.

A very very gorgeous man, probably about his late twenties early thirties stood in front of me. He had a charming yet cheeky smile that reminded me of Sideswipe immediately. He had dimples which only added to his appeal. His hair was a curly black and swept back with strands of it poking up at the sides up his head, almost like...horns? He had flawless tan skin, full plump lips, and a sharp defined jaw. His outfit consisted of the colors red, black, and white, and it was all leather, excluding his black under shirt.

What got my attention the most was his eyes, they were very bright electric blue, they were full of mischief and amusement that made me think back to Sideswipe even more

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What got my attention the most was his eyes, they were very bright electric blue, they were full of mischief and amusement that made me think back to Sideswipe even more.

"Uh...W-who are you don't mind me asking?" I stutter out, feeling heat on my cheeks. 

This man was so beautiful it wasn't even human.

I heard a snort and my eyes land on perhaps and even more beautiful man. I wanted to drool as i checked him out. His skin was flawlessly tan, it reminded me of smooth honey. His golden blond hair was pulled to the side in a loose messy braid while the hair at the side of his face curled out in a weird way. I wanted to run my fingers through it, and i could even feel my fingers twitch at the thought. His eyes were the same blue as well,electric and bright, only they held a more mysterious emotion in the.  His jaw, like his companion, was defined and sharp, his lips were plump but were more tempting to kiss. His outfit consisted of yellow, blacks, and white, once again leather except the under shirt.

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