How could it be out of all first world we rank one of the last in gun violence safety?Not even half the year and we come to hear the are more dead than there has been in 32 years
The times running out
There's no place safe
Nowhere to run
Nowhere to hideChildren live in fear of going to school
Not even feeling save at home
Where has this country gone?
What have we as humans become?
We are not free
We live in a cage of fearEvery other day we hear more news
A bomb goes off
Another school shot up
Terror attacks never stop5 people
7 people
20 people
50 people
All deadHow?
How many more people?
How many more kids?
How many more hate crimes?
How many more deaths must we have before we can stand up and say enough is enough?
How much longer before we put an end to this all?