14: The big fight

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The very second (Name) recieved a call from her sobbing best friend, she knew something was wrong.

"Hold on, I'm coming."

And then she hung the call up, and ran into the night in her sleep wear, ignoring the dangers of the night, only caring about the state of her best friend.

"(Name)....?" Petra quietly uttered. (Name) realised that her friend looked like a train wreck. Petra's usually milk-coloured skin was red, and her eyes were red too. Had (Name) not been very worried, she would've said she looked like a panda. Petra's cheeks were puffy. She let out a small chuckle in hopes that she would calm (Name) down, but it ended up sounding forced, worrying (Name) even more.

"I didn't mean that you were supposed to run here, (Nickname). But I appreciate it." Petra said, and looked up and down at (Name). Petra raised an eyebrow.

"In your pyjamas, no less. That's dangerous!" Petra said worridely, but smiled. Genuinely. (Name) sheepisly looked at her feet, but grinned mischeviously.

"Sorry, Mom." Petra grinned as well, then grabbed (Name)'s arm and pulled her into the house. (Name) looked around. She hadn't been there since the convention and... she blushed. It was at that time when she had seen Armin without his shirt. It wasn't like she hadn't seen a man without a shirt before, but it was... well, Armin! The guy she really, really liked. Petra looked over at her friend, and smiled painfully, when she realised what her friend was blushing about.

"It must be nice... having a boyfriend." She whispered sadly. (Name) looked at her and grabbed her hand, squeezing lightly.

"What are you talking about? You know it's nice, you have one..." Petra started sobbing and squeezed (Name)'s hand, almost painfully, hard. And then (Name) understood. Why Petra had called her in the middle of the night. Eren had dumped her.

(Name) clenched her free fist tightly.

"That bastard... What did he do?" She asked angrily, but Petra didn't answer, and just shook her head. She sobbed even more. (Name) sighed and stood up, pulling Petra up with her.

"Come on, let's get you to bed." Petra nodded.

Armin didn't know what he was supposed to do. First his best friend had called him, saying Eren had broken down. Then his girlfriend had called saying Petra had broken down. He gently rubbed his temples.

"How did this happen?" He asked himself, and closed his eyes.

"Think, Armin. Think." He dove deep into his memories, but he couldn't find anything that was related to the subject. He didn't know who had dumped who, but that didn't matter. He had to solve this quickly, that was all he knew. He didn't want to stop hanging around (Name) and Petra. He didn't want their little gang to split up. Armin threw himself on his bed, and rolled over on his stomach.

"How am I supposed to solve this?" He muttered sadly. He groaned, and rolled onto his back. It didn't feel comfortable there either.

"Ah, I'll just go to sleep. I can't do anything if I'm tired...."

A knock on the door.

And another knock. Armin groggily opened his eyes. In the roof was his fan, still spinning around, spreading coolness around in his room. He smiled when he remembered that one time Petra's scarf got stuck and Eren decided to get it down, despite the fan still being on. Armin had even offered to turn it off, but it seemed as if Eren hadn't heard him. It was at that point Armin realised how much Eren really loved Petra. It didn't make sense that they had broken up. Armin sat up and threw the yellow blanket off of his legs. While the air inside his apartment felt warm, the floor didn't agree, cooling his recently warm feet down. He rubbed his eyes as he trecked through the apartment to the hall and the door. Yet another knock was heard and Armin, quite annoyed, opened the door. Eren stood there.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2016 ⏰

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