Jong's Dae

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Saturday night is like a heaven for teenagers. It's the day for play, party and no need to study which all the books been thrown away and dusted.

But it's otherwise for Minseok who is a bookworm. He will always study and study and study. Unlike his step brother, Luhan who like to enjoy till the morning.

But this Saturday night changed Minseok's daily routine. He walked out from his room to take some water. Before he got to the kitchen, he have to walk to living room first which Luhan and his friends were there.

As Minseok walked passed them, Luhan saw him.

"Eh? Minseok-ah, where are you going? Come join us."

Luhan said as he patted his hand beside him for Minseok. Minseok looked at him then shook his head.

"No, thanks. I'm going to take some water."

"Oh c'mon Minseok. Just this time, please."

Minseok looked at Luhan, thinking about his offer. He nodded his head and walked to Luhan and sat beside him.

"Okay but just awhile. I have to study."

Luhan shook his head.

"No. No books for today. Lets have fun tonight."


"Please. It won't vanish your smartness."

Minseok sighed and nodded. Luhan took it as yes and cheer in happiness. It wasn't easy for him to ask Minseok to play with him. It wasn't easy for him to make Minseok stay beside him. And it wasn't easy to confess his feelings towards his step brother.

Luhan have a feelings to Minseok since he first met him at family's meeting about their parents' marriaged. Since then, Luhan always tried to befriend with Minseok but Minseok didn't show that he like Luhan as brothers or friends(maybe a little).

But Luhan didn't know that Minseok also have a feelings toward him. Minseok had to acted cold infront Luhan because he was afraid he will be reject by Luhan. Or be kicked by his parents because being gay. That's why he study hard, get great exams result and find a good job to forget all about Luhan.

So that they were decided to play some games before their friends get home. At first, they planned to play Truth or Dare but Luhan refused because for him it kinda boring.

"Okay. Hmm how about Gay's Dare? It's amazing game, you know."

Chen suggested, a smirked plastered on his face as he looked at the soon player. Minseok eyes widen and he shook his head. He was thinking about to fuck or to be fuck by someone that he didn't love, kiss someone that will stole his first kiss and they will see his naked body.

"No. I'm out. I don't want to play this game. Sorry."

Minseok said and stood up. The others were groaned, disappointed with Minseok. As Minseok about to walked away, Luhan grabbed his wrist.

"Oh c'mon Minseok. It is just a game. Don't be like a chicken!"

"I don't want to! Get it?"

"Please Minseok."

Luhan pleaded him as he gave Minseok a puppy face. Minseok sighed and sat again beside Luhan.

"Can we start now?"

Chen asked as he took out his phone and open the application.

[The application of Gay's Dare didn't exist in this world! I just make it up!]

They nodded their head as the game showed up with an arrow on the screen. Chen press the button start and the arrow started to spin fastly. After that the arrow started to slow down and stopped at Baekhyun's. Then a box popped out on the screen. Chen press the open button and a message was shown.

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