Social: After Story

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(Author note: So the chapter before this didn't meet my standards, it was another thing that had been sitting in my drafts that I was never really sure how to finish......hopefully this makes up for it. Thank you.)

Slipping off her tight, albeit expensive, shoes was both a blessing and a pain. Her feet throbbed as she slunk into the large couch at the center of her living room as she heaved a tired sigh of relief. The lighting was low enough to make her even more drowsy than she already was. Or maybe she had too much wine. Sola. The woman had better things to do than send her bottles like that with cryptic messages like, For you and that man I know you'll share it with.
         There was no way her sister found out; no way she knew.
"What are you doing on the couch?"
    The voice was Anakin, it came from behind. He'd come home before her, against his will, under the guise of "returning to the Temple before his superiors 'grounded' him for misconduct." Really, he'd rather have been the one to drive her home, though at this point he trusted the captain of her guard enough. Kind of. Sort of.
    Cocking her head around to look at him, she saw he'd already changed into something she assumed was far more comfortable, and his hair was tousled, just slightly damp at the edges indicating he'd already taken a sanisteam. Somehow he looked even more handsome than he did at the party.
    Sliding into the space beside her, he put an arm around her shoulder and drew her close to him.
    A tired smile curled at her lips. "You were great tonight."
"I hate parties. And you drank too much."
"No.....'m didn't."
"You're slurring."
"...'m not drunk, Ani. I'm tired."
He planted a kiss on the top of her head, laughing softly as he pulled away. "You're fortunate you're so cute."
"Am I cute? That's girly."
"Go to bed, angel. And I swear to the Force, if I ever have to talk to that many senators in one night again I'll Force-choke myself."
    She was beyond listening; her mind was somewhere between some kind of dream world and already thinking of what kind of food she wanted in the morning.
    Only as he carried her on his back towards their room did she rouse just enough to process any kind of speech.
"You' anti-social."
"Congratulations. You discovered my secret. I don't like talking for long lengths of time. Ever wonder why I married you?"
"You love me."
"Eh, I love not being dragged all over Coruscant in fancy outfits."
"You're so mean."
"Fine, I love you."
    Setting her down in their room, he wondered if she would even make it to change out of that glittering dress. Somehow she slugged through disassembling her outfit with Threepio's help. Though, it was the only thing she managed to accomplish. Hair mangled, makeup smeared off with nothing more than a cleansing wipe, she toppled into her bed next to the husband who was already sleeping. In the morning she'd remind herself to thank him, tell him how happy he'd made her, and how proud she was of him, even though to a extent she knew that in some weird way he already knew--anticipated? Sensed?
    As if on queue, he moved an arm up around her waist and curled beside her.
"Okay, I didn't hate it that much." He muttered. "You'll just have to make it up to me."
She didn't get a chance to roll her eyes.
She was already fast asleep.

Besides, at certain times,
    She really hated being social.

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