colby imagine

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You and colby were on a trip with friends in Oahu, Hawaii.

It was your last day in the beautiful island and everyone was tired.

It was 4 in the morning and you couldn't sleep with the idea that you were leaving.

you look at the others scattered across the hotel room floor.

They are all sleeping except colby who's on his phone.

"Can't sleep either?" he asks you.

"Nope. My brain won't let me sleep because it knows that I could be doing so much before we leave today." You say in a some what sad tone.

"well then let's go do something." he looks at me with a smile on his face.

"but everyone's sleeping and I don't want to wake them up." You frown.

"We don't have to wake them up, we can just go ourselves, you know just you and me." He states and grins.

"okay then let me go get ready." You get up trying not to wake anyone.

You and colby go to the car you and your friends rented and head out.

you guys drive to a beach where you can see the sun rise.

You both knew it was way to cold to swim in the morning so you guys wanted to enjoy the sunset.

"The sun is going to rise in about half and hour so we have loads of time to kill." He laughs.

"ur right. what do you wanna talk about?" You ask with a giggle.

"We only became friends once you moved to LA so tell me about your middle school experience." He said with a devious grin on his face.

"oh god middle school was so weird for me." You stated.

"tell me about it. I want to hear." He replied.

"I mean you asked for it so here it goes." You start.

"so in middle school I had my first boyfriend and it was awkward as fuck. But I was a pretty great student with straight a's and shit." You ramble.

You catch colby staring at you and you laugh and continue.

"But my boyfriend from middle school always tried to give me my first kiss but then I would always doge it because I barely even liked him." You laugh.

"So you didn't get your first kiss in middle school? Wait so when did you have your first kiss and with who?" He darted questions at me.

"I actually haven't had my first kiss yet" you laugh at yourself.

"Wait really??" He said surprised.

"Yea really. I just graduated high school and I still haven't gotten it yet." You say.

"Well when are you planning to get it?" He asked.

"Honestly I don't know. I just want someone to randomly kiss me so I could get over it." You joke around.

You start to dwell on the thought that your kiss could come at any time and you probably wouldn't be prepared.

Then something hits your mouth. It's takes you a second for you to process that their lips so then you kiss back.

And when you both pull away you realize what just happened.

You had your first kiss with colby. You were still in shock that you couldn't say anything.

"Y/n hello? Are you there?" he says trying to get your attention.

"Woah" you say in shock.

"Sorry I just randomly kissed you but you said that you wanted someone to randomly kiss you so that's what I did." He says with a cheeky smile.

"It's fine it's just that damn I just got my first kiss." you say with a smile on your face.

"You're surprisingly a great kisser by the way." He says with a giggle.

"Would you ever kiss me again though?" you ask jokingly.

"I honestly would." He says with a wide smile.

sometimes you just have to take chances so you smack your lips right back onto his and start kissing him again.

You lean forward and he grabs you by the waist.

He pulls you into his lap without breaking the kiss while you have your hands wrapped around his neck.

You guys are basically making out at 5 in the morning on a beach.

"wait. don't tell anyone that we made out okay." You asked him.

"don't worry I won't" he smirked.

He pulled you back into the make out session and you guys made out until you heard your phone ring

"Hello?" "Oh hi Sam." "Sorry we wanted to watch the sunrise so colby and I went out but we're coming back right now." "Okay bye." Sam called asking where you guys were.

"Okay let's go. damn we came here for the sun rise and we missed it because we were making out." He laughed.

You laughed along with him and you guys drove back to the hotel.

What a great way to spend the last day in Hawaii you thought to yourself.

Sam and Colby imagines Where stories live. Discover now