I know this from the joy I felt from listening to Revenge. I hadn't seen the video in over a year, and remembering it made me want to watch it very much.
So I watched it again, and again on my IPad mini.
But on the related videos, I saw more and more awesome videos on minecraft. I loved the "Cooking with the Iron Golem Show" And the "Adventures of Steve". My love for minecraft just grew, and grew. More by every video.
I was starting to really love Enderman, and looked up some videos on it. That was when I first saw a video by a YouTuber and took great interest.
It was "Enderman Roommate" and I was just totally blown away by the humor of this guy. That's when I first took interest in any YouTuber.
I kept watching more and more videos.
That was when everything changed.
My life changed. Forever.
I saw a link on related videos. It said "Retarded Squid Mod."
I was still in love with squids, and was very happy that they were finally getting the attention they deserved. But not the good kind.
I was horrified! This doode was talking of this nonsense of some sort of army and how squids were so stupid! I had never been so offended!
But, I will give him credit. I stayed hooked because of one thing: His humor.
He was so funny! I loved how ridiculous he was! After the squid mod, I watched the video about things not in minecaft anymore. The next one was the Christmas mod. I lost track after that.
But, my love for this doode was growing much slower then me love for Minecraft did.Over the course of 1 month I watched many other YouTubers, but I always came back to this one guy: SkyDoesMinecraft.
But, eventually, I got an obsession. I loved him so much. I learned so many more things about him. I stated calling everything "Budder" and could never stop talking about him!
But my love yet grew more and more! Even when I thought it couldn't get any bigger!
And, I wasn't surprised at all about this, my sister started liking him too. XD
Becoming Cold
Non-FictionThis is my story. Who showed me Minecraft. How I found Sky. The reason I started Wattpad. Why I am The Snow Girl.