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We walked through the forest taliking, laughing, trying to kill the sadness.

I would miss you. Who would make me laugh when you're gone? He laughed sadly.

And who would keep defending me from the cute but terrifying snow creature. I added.

"Hahaha. I think the wolf is pretty cute as you said".

Come to think of it, you're a coward.

"A coward!" his voice raised a bit.

Yeah a coward. You only show up before or after the wolf. Can you explain that? I stopped walking, then turned to look at his cute, worried face. Why do you look like you've got a big secret?

He stared at me, then looked at his shoe as he kicked the snow then looked up, clearing his throat.

Let's conclude your assumptions. First of all, I'm not a coward. Secondly, I CANT CONTROL TIME! How am I supposed to know when the wolf appears?

Yeah yeah. Excuses excuses..... I giggled.

Lewis ran off yelling "Wait here! I've got to show you something!".

But Lewis...... Come back! My mum would be mad.

I tried running after him, but it was no use. He had already disappeared.

This boy..  I sighed enjoying the way my hoodie was moving with the cool wind.

Suddenly, a red apple rolled towards me then stopped.

I know who this is for, I said in a low, but annoyed voice.

The white wolf walked closer to me.
I'm not going to allow fear overwhelm me. I repeated, raising my voice gradually.

Sit! I yelled.
Oops! A thought ran through my mind. I just yelled at an animal that can devour me in seconds.

The wolf stopped then continued walking closer but slow, placing on leg in front of the other when it noticed my fearful reaction.

I was quivering in my mind and body.
See who's the coward, I mocked myself. You accused Lewis of being a coward and now you don't know where he is. He might be hiding or have run off or maybe paid the wolf a visit.
What's wrong with me! What! What!
I've got to be friendly and find out what this mysterious wolf want.

Do you want to play? I boldly asked, tossing the apple towards it.

It softly used it's nose to push it back to me which made me confused.

I picked it up and clean the surface with my soft red and yellow gloves.

The wolf sat down licking itself. It behaved as if I wasn't there.

Suddenly the apple shimmered and there was something written on it with gold.

It read:
For thou has accepth the challenge
And thou failest not
Thou shalt journey for it is destiny.
Rollest the chosen material of the great, upon the ground of the land
And your destiny shall be revealed.

Each sentence glowed in gold and was written in a beautiful handwriting.

But what does it mean? What challenge did I pass and which journey do I have to do for my destiny to be revealed?

Maybe this wolf is some sort of messenger from an evil wizard or something. I've got to get out of here before I'm used for rituals or sacrifices!

The wolf growled at me. I became afraid than before.

Let me try spinning the dumb apple, I annoying said under my breath.

I picked the red, shiny apple and spun it on the snow.

My eyes rolled round as I watched the apple spin. When it stopped, nothing happened. The place was quiet until some beautifully coloured birds flew across us and sang on the tree.

Suddenly, the ground shook and a tornado made of some insects that looked like bees came and drew me.

It was terrifying flying high in the sky. I could not control my body. It was as if I was levitating towards the sun.

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