This is a story of my beloved friends. Charlie the jellyfish and his wife Betty the jellyfish.
"Charlie!!!!!" Betty screamed at the top of her voice.
Charlie sat up from his bed of seaweed and accidentally stung himself. He grumbled to himself, he seemed to be doing that more and more lately.
"What do you wany!" he shouted back.
"Marvin's here"
"OK let me a bath of fish first" charlie shouted back
"marvin do you want a cup of juice or something" Betty asked politely
"no betty love, but what i do want is you" he said while he winked
"um what marvin !" bettty said confused
" betty i have loved you for a while, it all started when you and marvin had that fight in the bar!"
"marvin your charlies best friend"
"betty i know, but i cant help how i feel abouyt you
"oh marvn, i feel the same way. but you know i shouldnt love you, im supossed to love charlie, he is my husband "
"i know but if you love me you would stay with me. we can leave now, leave to another part of the ocean, i mean it is big enough"
"charlie will be getting out of his bath soon, i have to go."
"betty meet me at the enchanted cave hotel at 10pm tonight and we can talk "
"okay, goodbye charlie"
"Goodbye betty"
- betty puts her jacket on, then walk off- .......
charlie being charlie doesnt have a single clue what has happend.
" so marivn " he shoutes down stairs "what did you want" ?
" well charlie i wanted to umm... " he says with a stutter .... " well can i borrow you hose pipe mines broke " marivin wanted to tell him that he loves betty but he cant do that to him...
" sure marvin " charlie knew something was up. because he saw marvin useing his hose pipe this morning..
" thanks charlie" marvin said quickley he then ran out of the house
" no. pro...blem " charlie shouted
charlie thought to himself i wonder whats up with him ?