Chapter 8

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Jordans outfit on top
Nash p.o.v.

By the fact that Taylor went upstairs about 20 minutes ago and no ones screaming or breaking anything, I think they made up. And considering it's them, I suggest we give them some privacy.

"Hey, you wanna go on a walk or something?" I ask Cam who's standing awkwardly in front of me. He looks at me then smiles all adorable like. Hes so cute.

"Yeah, I don't think Taylors leaving anytime soon." He chuckles opening the door and letting me walk past him. Once we're both out the door we start walking around like two friends on any normal Tuesday. Okay I guess not normal friends, more like, friends who love each- wait. Did...I just? I did. Oh my God...I just said I love him. I love Cameron. Geez. That's a bomb.

"So...hows life?" He asks after a while, I can tell he just asked to break the ice. I look at him and start to chuckle trying to answer seriously.

"Other than having spouse trouble...its good." I smile turning to see him smile but then he becomes serious. He looks hesitant but then he asks me a question I wasn't prepared for.

"So what are you gonna do about that?" Well I don't know if I can answer that. Since I honestly don't know. I was so ready to break up with Madison, which I think I'm still going to do, but I was going to go to Cam. Now, I don't know if I want a relationship right now.

"I don't know." I look down, too much of a coward to look at him. So after that we just continue walking until we get back to Jordan's house. Thinking of what they're probably doing, I turn to Cam. "Hey do you need a ride?" Seeing as they drove Taylor's car here and I have my car, I knew he needed one.

"Um, I think I might just's not that far." He says shivering a little. We've been walking around in the middle of December in joggers and sweaters in 50-60 degree weather. I roll my eyes.

"Lets go." I say giving him a look that says,' Dude I know your fucking cold so come on'. I walk to my jeep and unlock the doors letting him in and drive him the short distance to his house. I just realized we all live quite close to each other...squad. The whole time to his house he just sits there looking out the window. Even when Uptown Funk came on he still just sat there not doing anything. Once I get to his house, he starts to get out and before hes fully gone, I stop him.

"Cam!" I say and he looks back at me." See ya." I smile genuinely. He does the same back and shakes his head seeing what I did to him.

*Week later*

(still Nash)

"So, I hope you all know since Fridays the last day then your on winter break, that we will be watching a movie then having a quiz over it." Our teacher, Mrs. Hartman, says. She's actually really cool and laid back. "The movie will be The Maze Runner, we will watch it tomorrow and Thursday and then we will have the quiz on Friday and after that we will probably watch a Christmas movie since it's the last day." Oh my god, this week is going to be so fun and easy...thank god.

The bell rings and Jordan and I, we have the same schedule, meet Taylor, Cameron, and Michael. That was our last period, so we head out meeting Maddie and Jasmin then head to the mall. We decide to get some food in the food court, me, bae, and bae's bae, get Chick-Fil-A; Cameron and Maddie get Panda Express; and Michael and Jasmin get Subway. While eating Jordan barely touches her food.

"Whats wrong with you?" Jasmin asks Jordan poking her cheek earning a glare. It is weird though, she might be the smallest creature you've ever seen, but she can out eat anyone I know. She sighs leaning on her hand staring at her food with desperateness.

"I haven't been feeling good." she pouts a little. "It's like I'm so hungry but I can't hold anything down." she sighs again playing with a waffle fry. "I'm really hungry too." She says widening her eyes for emphasis. I laugh at her jokingly trying to lighten her mood, but she looks at me and repeats again," I'm really hungry!"

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