Chapter 4: How Satan Fights Christians

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"For we wrestler not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against power, against spiritual wickedness in high places. " Ephesians 6:10-12

Fighting Christians

After the command by Lucifer to fight the Christians, we then sat and mapped out ways of fighting them as follows:

1. Causing sickness
2. Barrenness
3. Slumber in the Church
4. Confusion in the  Church
5. Lukewarmness in the Church
6. Making them ignorant of the word of God.
7. By fashion and emulation.
8. Fighting them physically.

Amongst the above I would like to explain the two :

1. Fighting physically:

With the T.V. given to me, I would see the Born again Christians. We do not fight hypocrites because they belong to us already. We would send our girls first to the churches. Inside the church they would be chewing gum or make a child cry or do anything that would distract the people from hearing the word of God.

They may decide to come spiritually and cause the people to sleep while the preaching is going on. The moment they see you have a sober reflection because of the preaching, they would wait on you outside the church and as soon as you come out, one of them would greet you and even present you a gift (and it's always what you love) and would appear very friendly.

She would do everything and before you knew what was happening you had forgotten all you learn in the church. But for a real Christian, one of these girls, after service, would jump out to greet you and would desire to know your house with the pretext that she was a new in town and did not know many Christians around.

On taking her home, she would quickly buy bananas and the Christians would take this as a gesture of love. She would continue her visits until she finally puts off the light of Christ in you and then stops coming.

Major operations in the living churches and fellowship are: Discouraging the Christians from reading and studying the word of God, and thereby making them ignorant of their authority and of the promises of God. In the crusade grounds these girls would be sent to cause disagreements and quarrels.

How Christians are Known?

The born again Christians are not known by the Bible they carry always or the many fellowships they attend.

They are known in the spirit world by the light that shines continuously like a very bright candle in the heart or a circle of light around the heads or a wall of fire around them.

When a Christian is walking along, we see angels walking along with him/her, one by right, one by left, and one behind. This makes it impossible for us to come near him/her.

The only way we succeed is by making the Christian sin, thereby giving us loophole to come in. When a Christian is driving a car and we want to harm him/her, we find that he/she is never alone in the car. There is always an Angel by him/her.

Oh if the Christian only knows all that God has for him, he will not meddle with sin or live carelessly!

2. The Making of Backslidden Christians

As a chairman appointed by Lucifer, I would send these girls to living churches and fellowships. These girls would be well dressed and after the preaching would come out for the altar call, pretend to have received Christ and would be prayed for. At the end of the fellowship or service they would hang around waiting for the preacher who naturally would be very happy for these new converts.

The converts may even follow the preacher to his house. If the preacher does not have the spirit of discernment she would lure him into the sin of fornication or adultery. This takes place the moment he admires her lustfully. She would make sure he continued in this sin until she finally quenches the Spirit of God in him and then leave him, mission accomplished.

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