II The Feast

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Dawn had finally welcomed itself to Earth and the Chikir would soon realize that another one of their kind have fallen into the hands of Zed's people.

The night before, the elven kingdom feasted and partied unlike any other night. They fed off the blood and bone of the Chikir they had killed. Piles of bodies were thrown everywhere, leaving the scent of blood and death to roam freely around the kingdom. For the first time in years, the Elves focused on nothing else but having a good time.

Music danced around every square and house, filling the Elves' ears with pure satisfaction. They danced melodically with anyone they can find. Some elven children were even made that night.

Elven children were not made the way that human or rather Chikir children were made. The process of making an elven child was one hundred times more sensual. It did not necessarily require an elven male and an elven female in order to create the child, it only took the blood of two Elves. That's all it required.

The blood would have to be mixed and drunk from a silver chalice by the Elf that would be destined to conceive. The mixed blood would then create the silver skin of the Elf and pass down all the strengths and powers the parents had acquired over the years.

However, not only did the blood have to be drunk, but it also had to be spilled over the parent's naked body. The blood would be spread by the partner's hands and the partner's only. One of the two would have to stand still and take in anything their partner did to them until blood was spread through their whole body and vice versa. Many Elves, instead of spreading blood, spread wine, in order to just go through the ritual for sheer pleasure.

The labour is anything but pain. Most elven couples fight to experience the bliss that follows childbirth. While going into labour, the Elf is given a powerful drug, known as Fritorite, in order to put them in a trance that would result in them dreaming about their dreams becoming reality. The Elf would dream of happy accomplishing things while the elven doctors and the partner of the Elf giving birth would try to get the baby out as soon as possible. Fritorite might be a blissful drug, but if the baby is not removed from the parent's system fast enough, it could affect the child, resulting in mental and physical sicknesses that would result in death and death alone.

For the first time in over one hundred years, the elven population tripled. Now, all Elves were kissing Zed's feet and were admiring him for his bravery of killing this many Chikir. This made Zed look like the King that the elven kingdom has been waiting for.

It was now morning and soon Zed would have to make a speech in front of his people with his mother by his side. He was a good orator, just like his father, but when it came to talking in front of his people, he couldn't help but think that somewhere out there in his kingdom someone felt a burning hatred towards him. And it was that someone that made Zed swell up and feel anxiety bubble inside him. But it was the view of his kingdom that he was gifted with by standing on his balcony that would ease him. The balcony that his father once stood on to give his own speeches and to spread hope throughout the Elven Kingdom.

Zed stood at the edge of the balcony a few hours before the Kingdom woke. In only a few hours, his first speech as soon-to-be King of the Elven Kingdom would be given without both his parents by his side. He wore his royal uniform. It was a sort of military style in black. The buttons on both the cuffs and running down the front of the buttoned-up blazer. He wore a long beautiful cape. It was black and velvet with a train that trailed endlessly. He wore recently polished shoes and red satin gloves. Zed added on a red sash that had been passed down from generation to generation from the Ravenoire family. The sash was decorated with different medals and pins, all from different years. His ancestors had put in at least one medal or badge, the oldest one dating back to Classical Antiquity. His father had added a medal on this very sash too. It was actually a gift for him for his 16th birthday, a few weeks before he was murdered. Soon enough, Zed too would add a badge or medal to this belt and pass it on to his son.

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