A Thousand Paper Cranes

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A thousand paper cranes

One December night, I was walking on the cold streets of Washington. I was going to the mall to buy gifts for my mom, pop and my little sister and of course to Sarah. You see Sarah is my girlfriend for 4 months now. She is beautiful and kind. That is why I fell for her.

I pass by a toy store looking for a gift for my little sis. That is when I saw a perfect gift for my Sarah. A teddy bear is holding an "I love you" pillow. I bought the stuff toy for Sarah. Then I saw a cute little stuff puppy just perfect for my little sister. She loves puppies, and I bought it too. I bought my mom and pop mugs that is saying "The best mom in the whole wide world" and "The best pop in the completely wide galaxy" just perfect for them.

When I am done buying gifts, I quickly got home. I go to my room, wrapped the gifts, and then go down stairsto place them under the tree.

It is Christmas, we are all here to celebrate it together, and Sarah was here too. I approached her and gave her a hug. "Hey Rei ... Merry Christmas love", she said while hugging me tightly. "Merry Christmas too love" I replied softly.

We sat beside the tree and exchange gifts. "Thank you Big Brother" my little sis squealed. "You're welcome" I replied. I saw Sarah opened her gift, her eyes showing delight and happiness. She then gave me a bright smile and hugged me. "I love you Rei and thank you for the gift" she said and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I smiled at her too. "Your welcome Sarah and I love you too" I caressed her cheeks and gave her a kiss.

That Christmas is the best Christmas I ever had. When school begun I did not see her until a week later. I went to her house and saw her mom. "Good morning, Mrs. Reymond" I greeted, "is Sarah there? ... It's been a week and I haven't heard from her," I asked her. "Oh Rei, Sarah's in the hospital" Mrs. Reymond told me. "Why is she there?" I asked with anxiousness. "She was diagnose, the doctor said she have a cancer, bone cancer" when she told me that and my world crumbled to my feet. I did not know what to do. She is my world and my love.

I went to the hospital and asked the head nurse where Sarah's room was. "Its room 304" the head nurse replied. I headed my way after I say my thanks.

When I opened the door, I saw Sarah folding a piece of paper. I approach her and asked "Hey how are you?" She smiled at me and replied, "I'm fine but I tire easily". I sat on her bed and a comfortable silence surrounds us until she speaks.

"I'm sorry," she whispers, "huh?" I am confused, why is she telling sorry for nothing. "I'm sorry she said again. "Why? You haven't done anything wrong." I said." I am sorry I didn't tell you that I have a cancer" she replied. I smiled at her lovingly. "I'm afraid that you'll stop loving me when I tell you" she added and looked away. I placed my hand on her cheeks and made her look at me. "I'll never stop loving you Sarah, I love you no matter what happen "I hug her tightly enough to let her know I still love her. "I will always love you, Sarah"

"Hey what are you doing a while ago?" I asked. "It was a paper crane," she answered. "Do you know about the one thousand paper crane story?" she asked. I nodded my head "yes" as she continued to tell me the story behind it. "When you reached the one thousand paper crane your wish will come true". She pointed to the table next to her bed, so I looked at it and saw paper cranes that are on top of the table. "I made all of that by myself" she said as she smile at me, I smiled back and asked, "How many have you already done?"

"I already made 524 paper cranes" she replied. I hugged her tightly and said, "I love you Sarah". "I love you too Rei" she murmured.

From then on, her healths worsen and she became very ill. She gets easily tired but she keeps on making her paper cranes. I cannot do anything but be with her and make her happy.

On a summer day, we were sitting under a tree in the park. (She wanted to b with her friends just for a while so she was released from the hospital). I was the one sitting with my back against the tree as she sits in front of me. The back of her head resting on my shoulder, her back is on my chest; my arms are around her waist. We were watching the clouds as it rolled by.

"Rei, I know that I don't have much time left cause I have this illness, but Rei please remember that I'll always love you until the day I die" Sarah said as she squeezed my arm. "I know Sarah and I love you too" I said and hugged her tightly. "You know Rei, I've reached the one thousand paper crane yesterday and my wish comes true," she whispered. I know that she do not have much time left. That she will not be here with me much longer but I will cherish this moment, every moment I am with her.

"Really? What was your wish?" I held her tightly against me. "Hm...Yes...I wished that you'll be with me when my heart beats stops," she answered.

I kept myself from crying. I'm not yet ready to lose her but I have to be strong for her, "I love you Sarah" I whispered and turned her head so that she was facing me, I kissed her after that and said, "I'll be with you whenever you want". Her reply was a "Thank you" and a smile. "I'm going to sleep now Rei" she said weakly and rested her head on my shoulder. I nodded and she fell asleep. "Good night Sarah, I will love you always" I said then I cried my heart out cause I know that Sarah will never wake up again. I hugged her tightly and kissed her softly for the last time.

After her burial, her mother gave me the thousand paper cranes Sarah folded. I opened each one of them and saw the same writings that said, "Please let me be with Rei till the day I die".

I opened the last paper crane and read a letter:


I know that when you read this letter. I am not here anymore. I know that our relationship is not that long but Rei remember that I will always love you. I will continue loving you even if I die.

I cried that night when I read that letter.

Even now three years later she is the only one that I loved and still love that much.

The End

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