Chapter 1 - A New Summer

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Sophie Dragonheart was sitting in her muggle kitchen, her long, brown hair flowing in the soft morning breeze. She was staring with her misty blue eyes at the letter she held in her hand, gobsmacked. Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry? Hogwarts Express? Diagonally? But what baffled her most was platform nine and three-quarters. Did such a platform exist? She stared at the parchment clutched in her hands. At that moment, in came Sophie's mother holding piles of plates which she set down on the counter to wash up.
"Mum?" Asked Sophie, "What's Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry?"
Sophie's mother dropped her plates and rushed over to where Sophie was sitting.
"Mind if I take a look at that dear?" Sophie handed it over. Her mother skimmed through it and then laid it down on the table. Her face was filled with excitement but also disappointment.
"I knew this day would come," She said, "The day I would have to tell you the truth about your father."
"But I thought Dad died on a boat journey?" Sophie said, trying to think back to when she was seven.
"Yes, that's what you were told." Replied Sophie's mother. "But in reality. He was murdered."
"What?! By who?!"
"Lord V- The Dark Lord."
"The Dark Lord. Your father was a Death Eater, one of The Dark Lords followers. They did his bidding with murder and many other horrible things. Your father was what we call a Guardian Death Eater, his job was to protect his fellow Death Eaters... But he failed. Another Death Eater, Lucius Malfoy was almost killed, and your father had to be punished. His punishment was the Cruciatus Curse. To be tortured to death, and so he was."
"That's horrible!" Exclaimed Sophie.
"Yes," Replied Sophie's mother, "But for now... I think it's bed time for you."
Sophie's mother led her up the stairs and into her bedroom where she got into bed, her mind racing.
"Goodnight." Said Sophie's mother, closing the door behind her as she left Sophie's book covered room.
"Goodnight mum."
Sophie's eyes darted over to her cupboard filled with books about fantasy worlds where pixies and unicorns existed. Was it possible that these books were true after all?

Sophie raced downstairs; through the hallway and into the kitchen. She had so many questions that she needed to answer. Sophie ran into the living room where she saw a skinny old man with grey hair and beard that grew to hip length. Sophie stood in the doorway staring at the man.
"Good morning Sophie." He said, turning around in his arm chair which seemed to have appeared out of no where.
"Good morning, sir..." Replied Sophie, confused as to why this stranger was in her house.
"Sophie, this is Professor Dumbledore. The headmaster at Hogwarts." Explained Sophie's mother. She signalled Sophie to sit down. Sophie obeyed and sat next to her mother on the red cushioned sofa.
"Now," Said Professor Dumbledore, looking at her over his half moon glasses, "You'll be starting Hogwarts at the beginning of September. You will first go to Diagonally to buy equipment such as quills, parchment, books and most importantly a wand."
"Sorry, sir." Interrupted Sophie, "A what?"
"A wand. You'll need one to be able to fully control your magic."
"My what?"
"Magic. Your a witch. Didn't you know?"
"Well... yes, but-"
"Then you know that you have magic in your blood. Diagonally can be found in the back of The Leakey Cauldron in London. Ask the barman or Jack to show you how to get through. Here's your list." Dumbledore handed it over and Sophie skimmed through it. A wand, cauldron, quills, parchment, dragon's blood, guillyweed some more strange sounding objects, A History of Magic, where has she heard that before?
"Well I must be off." Said Dumbledore, standing up and walking over to the door, his long bluish robes swaying behind him, "It was nice meeting you Sophie."
"Thank you, sir." Replied Sophie, and with that Dumbledore disappeared out of the door. Sophie rushed over to the window to watch him go. There was nothing there, just the muddy, narrow lane overgrown by bushes and trees.

Sophie was walking the filthy streets of London, her mother trailing along behind her. They walked and walked until they reached the a small, black building with a wobbling, decaying wooden sign hung just outside reading 'The Leakey Cauldron'. Her mother pushed open the dusty glass door and walked through, she followed. The inside was dimly lit but seemed warming all together. There was a wooden bar with a barman tending to his customers needs, several oak wood tables sat with chairs surrounding it and over in the corner a distinct figure slouching over a chalice of what Sophie thought was wine. Sophie's mother lead her over to the back of the dimly lit pub where she opened the black door onto the back yard where a brick wall was surrounding the area. Sophie's mother reached down her black jacket sleeve and pulled out a wand she tapped three times on the brick wall, sparks flew. Sophie looked around, the wall was forming, forming into a street. Sophie walked on, looking around at shop windows where different wacky and unusual things were displayed.
"Do you have your list?" Sophie's mother asked unexpectedly.
"Yes." Replied Sophie, taking it out of her pocket and holding it in front of her eyes as she walked on. "The first thing is a wand. Where do I get one of those?"
"Olivanders." Replied Sophie's mother. "We'll  go there now."
They walked along the street of Diagonally until they reached a rickety old shop. Two broad windows had wooden signs with words carved into them, Sophie stepped forward to get a closer look. As she did she saw that the words seemed slightly worn away but she could still make out what they said, 'Olivanders, maker of wands since 1393.'. Sophie stood up and looked at her mother, she gestured her to go in. Sophie did as she was told, she pushed open the wooden door and walked through, the bell ringing to let the shopkeeper know they had entered. Sophie walked over to the counter and looked around, behind it dozens of shelves were stacked with wooden boxes.
"Mr Olivander." Said Sophie's mother, shaking the shop owners hand.
"Ah, Mrs Dragonheart," Said Mr Olivander,
"What can I do for you?"
"I would like a wand please, for my daughter, Sophie, you've met her. Haven't you?"
"Ah, yes. Little Sophie, well not so little anymore." Mr Olivander leaned over the counter and smiled at Sophie, she smiled back. Olivander looked quite familiar, he had a long crooked nose, grey hair and wrinkles covering his face.
Once he had smiled at Sophie he set off down the long isles of shelves filled with boxes, mumbling to himself as he went. Sophie just managed to pick up a few words he was saying, "Dragon.... Inches, no... Unicorn... Seven, no.... Ah, here."
Mr Olivander lifted a box off it's shelf and carried it over to the counter where he opened it and handed a wand to Sophie. "Give it a wave."
Sophie obeyed and waved the wand, immediately the lamp on the counter burst into shards of china. Sophie set the wand carefully back onto the counter.
"Hm... Maybe not. 11 inches, elm, dragon heart string." He seemed to be making a mental note of the wand. Olivander lifted the it back into its box and returned it to its place on the shelf. Then, he continued looking, mumbling to himself once again until he reached the back of the shop and shouted, "Here it is!" Almost at once he emerged from behind a shelf, holding a new box. Once again he set the box down onto the counter and opened it, handing the new wand to Sophie. Sophie knew what to do this time and waved the wand, golden sparks flew  from the tip.
"That's the one." Said Mr Olivander. "That wand came into stock just yesterday. 11 1/2 inches, Phoenix feather and till. Don't know where they got the feather from though. Phoenixes don't usually lose their feathers, it was found in a wood I believe but in a perfectly good state for a wand, very unique wand you have there."
Sophie twiddled her wand in her hands wow she thought. The more she thought about it, the more this crazy dream became reality.  She really was a witch. She really was a going to Hogwarts.
They left the shop, Sophie had pocketed her wand but couldn't wait to get it out again. It was beautiful. The patterns on it crawled their way up to the tip of her wand, swirling like a tornado. Her mind was set on all sorts of things; unicorns, dragons, potions-
Sophie screamed. Fell to the floor. Pain was searing through her head, and then. It was gone. Just like that. She opened her eyes, looked up. What had just happened? That had never happened before. Slowly, she got to her feet with the help of her mother and looked around. Everyone in the village within eyesight was looking at her. This obviously wasn't inside her head. She walked on, continuing to look at the shops.

Within hours they had bought all the equipment required and set off home, wondering what had happened, and when it would happen next.

*Hope you enjoyed part 1 of 'Sophie Dragonheart'! Let me know in the comments and I will try to get part 2/chapter 2 done soon!
    Please comment below names for more characters! Love you guys!*

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