Chapter 2 - Hogwarts

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Sophie boarded the scarlet steam train, pushing her baggage trolley into her mother's hands, her mind racing. This is actually happening. I'm actually going to Hogwarts!
She still couldn't get over it. She was a witch. She said goodbye to her mother and strolled down the thin corridor of the train, looking out of windows as she went, they were moving now, moving along the countrysides of England. Finally, she found a compartment that was only half full, she slid open the door and walked in, putting her trunk on the holding rack and sitting down next to a dark haired boy with blue eyes.
"Hi, I'm Sophie D-" She stopped herself, the boys dark hair was slowly turning blonde. She stared.
         "Well hey Sophie D-." He mocked. She blinked as she came back to the world once more. "I'm Kyle Hiddian. That's Sky Giles," He pointed to a boy in the corner, his hair was blonde but brown at the roots. He held up his hand in reply. "And there's Maia Nowak-Garcias." A girl with black, wavy hair and patterned glasses smiled and continued fiddle with her wand. "We're all in our first year, you?"
"Same." Sophie replied.
There was an awkward silence until Maia broke it.
"So, what did you say your last name was?"
"D-" Sky mocked and he and Kyle laughed. Maia gave them a look before looking at Sophie, urging her on.
A thought swam into her head as Maia stared. Death Eater... Dark Lord... Then her mothers voice followed "Try not to mention your last name, it may put some people off."
"Erm... That's not important."
Maia looked confused but accepted Sophie's objection. As the ride continued on, Sophie and the group began to get to know each other, the boys had a common loving for a game called Quidditch, Maia was highly intelligent and had an older sister in the fourth year. As the train travelled across the horizon, the sun began to set, disappearing over the surrounding hills. Suddenly, the train tooted, letting them know it was time to get into their uniform as Hogwarts was just around the corner.
  "Follow me." Maia said, sliding open the compartment door and leading Sophie down the end of the corridor to the bathroom where they would get changed. Maia went first and came out with her blank robes done up at the front. Then it was Sophie's turn, she walked into the cream coloured bathroom, she put her robes on the toilet seat and began to change into her uniform which consisted of a white blouse, black socks and a grey skirt as well as, of corse, her blank robes that would change colour when she was sorted. Once she had her uniform on and had neatened herself up in the mirror, she laced up her black boots and headed for the door when she noticed something had fallen out of her old clothes' pocket. It was a necklace. Its diamonds shimmering in the setting sun beams coming through the small window. She bent over and picked it up. Holding it in her hands, she examined it. It had a metal chain that was about two rulers long and a charm that hung from it. It was a small box, you couldn't open it as it was sealed together. It's walls had holes on them, shaped like love hearts and inside, a diamond was homed, unable to fall out. As Sophie looked closer she saw that the diamond had words engraved into it. She held the small charm still and read 'Dragonheart'.
"Sophie! You ok in there?" Maia pulled Sophie away from her thoughts as she knocked on the door.
"Yeah!" She replied, fastening the charm around her neck and tucking it into her blouse.
"Hurry up!" Maia called back. "I can see Hogwarts!"
Sophie opened the door and she and Maia ran down the corridor and into their compartment where all four of them looked out of the window. The castle was coming into view from over the mountains, it's windows lit up in the darkness. Sophie gazed with excitement at the towers and grounds, the lake that contained the giant squid, its tentacles waving around,
greeting them to their term home.
   As they slowed down, Sophie saw clearly, for the first time, the dark lake holding many unknown creatures. She pulled her trunk off of the train and set it down next to her while she stood and waited in the crowd of people, for the others to get off the train. Once they were all together, Kyle's hair now a fiery red, they followed the crowd to were a large man with a large beard and mane of hair was calling.
"Firs' years over 'ere! C'mon!"
Sophie looked around, there were many unfamiliar faces but she knew she'd get to know everyone. She also knew she'd have to tell the others her last name at some point, or they'd find out themselves. She dreaded the moment but knew it would come soon as they were now claiming into the boats and rowing towards the castle. Sophie and Kyle were in a boat with Hagrid. As they claimed out of the boat they gave thanks to the giant of a man and followed the crowd on, finding Maia and Sky as they went.
"Thank you Hagrid, I'll take it from here." Said a rather tall lady with greying brown hair tied into a tight bun. She looked quite small compared to Hagrid. Hagrid simply nodded in return and followed the path down to his hut.
"Hello students, I am your deputy headmaster here at Hogwarts, Professor McGonagal. Follow me" She turned on her heal and walked swiftly towards the entrance of the castle. She led the group of students into the Entrance Hall, stopping at the top of the marble steps that lead into the Great Hall.
"Now, we are about to enter the Great Hall but before that you need to know the rules to our school. Here there will be no rule breaking in this school unless you want to end up in a state of detention, suspension or even worse expelled. I suggest you all listen closely,"
After a long list of rules they were told not to break, McGonagal finished only to address them once more.
"All students wait here whilst I go and tell the headmaster you have arrived. I suggest you all neaten yourselves up and get into a line whilst I am gone." And with that she turned and walked through the oak doors at the top of the marble steps.
The students formed a line as they were told, Sophie, Kyle, Maia and Sky sticking close together.
"I hope I'm in Ravenclaw." Maia whispered as they walked into the Great Hall.
"I wanna be in Gryffindor." Kyle whispered back.
"Same." Whispered Sky as they came to a stop in front of the four long, bench-like tables.
McGonagal walked up onto the raised platform where the teachers sat and stood next to a wooden stall with a battered, old hat sat. Suddenly, as the last people on the queue came to a stop, it burst into song:
"Hogwarts school is where you belong,
"Cheer up friends and join our song,
"Sorting you is my job all along,
"Let's see how you all get on!

"Is it Slytherin, cunning, with many ambition,
"Hufflepuff, kind, hardworking and loyal,
"Ravenclaw, intelligent, wit and wisdom,
"Or Gryffindor, brave, courageous and daring,

"Now sit right here and let me decide,
"Let me be your one only guide,
"To getting the best from your vacation,
"But not before the best education!"

The whole hall began to cheer as the hats mouth disappeared once more. Sophie looked around, still trying to spot someone she might know, but there was no luck. The only people she knew were the people she met on the train.
"Hey!" Maia said, nudging Sophie away from her thoughts, "Pay attention, they're sorting!"
And sure enough, as Sophie looked around McGonagal pulled a scroll of parchment from under her robes and began reading names out.
"Jenna Francesca!" She called as a girl with autumn hair walked up and sat on the wooden stool, McGonagal put the sorting hat onto her head, within just a few seconds it had called, "HUFFLEPUFF!"
After 20 names had been called out, 5 Hufflepuffs, 10 Ravenclaws, 3 Slytherins and 2 Gryffindors. It was Maia's turn.
"Nowak-Garcias Maia!" McGonagal called as Maia sat down on the stool. Within a second the hat had called out, "SLYTHERIN!"
Maia rose from the stool and walked over to the Slytherin table where she was greeted with cheers and pats on the back.
Another 10 names were called, 5 Hufflepuffs, 2 Ravenclaws and another 3 Gryffindors.
"Giles Sky!" McGonagal called for the 31st time, he walked up to the stool and the hat only just touched his head before shouting, "SLITHERIN!" Sky walked away and sat with Maia, greeted as she had been.
It was time for Sophie to be called, the whole hall fell silent when her surname was spoken, she walked nervously up to the stool looking over at Kyle for help, he gave a thumbs up from the Gryffindor table. She sat on the stool and waited for the hat to be placed on her head, when it was, she heard a voice talking inside her head.
"Ah, look at these brains, you'd do well in Ravenclaw, such a clever mind you have here, but oh. I see a bit of determination and ambition, maybe Slytherin... But no, you seem to have a wild past behind you and many good but bad things in future. I think, yes."
"GRYFFINDOR!" She heard the same voice say. She walked over to the Gryffindor table to meet stares as she sat down next to Kyle, who's hair was now red and gold to match his house. She felt hundreds of eyes burning into the back of her head as she ate. Then, after doing so, she turned to Kyle.
"What's so bad about my father?" She asked.
"So he was your father?" Kyle replied.
"Argus Dragonheart."
"Yes... But what's so bad about that?"
"He was a Death Eater. The worst Death Eater. He killed millions, billions of families. Sometimes even just for fun. I guess everyone just thinks you'll end up like him."
"But I wo-!"
"I know." Kyle interrupted. "But others seem to think you will."
His voice was calming to her and she settled down as she ate one more treacle tart, she replied, "So, you don't think I will?"
"Judging by your politeness and kindness on the train, no. I don't."
Sophie gave a sigh of relief, at least one person had faith in her, but she still didn't know if Sky and Maia believed her too. They were in Slytherin though, the house known for wizards that turned out bad, maybe they would understand.
   That night, Sophie hardly slept, wondering, worrying about what was to come. Would people think she was as evil as her father or would she go on to be a great witch?

*Thank you for reading! Hope you enjoyed this chapter!*

*Remember to comment below more characters and wether or not you like this story! Next chapter will be out Saturday 2nd July!*

Sophie Dragonheart (a HP Fanfic - Year 3 at Hogwarts)Where stories live. Discover now