Chapter 3 - Enemy

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It was a month after the sorting and Sophie was finally beginning to fit in. Maia and Sky excepted Sophie and they spent most of their time out near the lake, talking about their favourite sports, Sophie explaining what basketball was.
"It's like Quidditch but without brooms and there's only two nets." Sophie explained.
"Two what's?" Kyle asked.
"Nets!" Maia replied. "Geez Kyle, your so dumb."
Sky burst out laughing and Sophie joined him. Soon they were all rolling around on the grass, in and out of the shade the great palm tree was providing them.
"Next time listen to what I'm saying," Sophie said, after they had calmed down. "Instead of staring at the Silver twins."
Sky whistled causing Kyle to slap him: Sophie let them fight and joined Maia leaning up against the tree and watching the giant squid swim up and down on the lakes surface.
"Whenever I look out here, I'll always remember sorting day." Maia said.
Sophie smiled at the thought. Maia and Sophie had become good friends since the sorting, despite their opposite houses, they shared a lot of similar interests. Once they both had a debate with the boys about the science behind sleeping when they called them lazy, they won, sealing off the argument with "If you didn't sleep, you would die."
Sophie's eyes walked over to the boys who had stopped fighting and were now laying on the grass, having a whispered conversation.
"I wonder what they're talking about?" Sophie asked Maia.
"Probably some stupid boy thing. Anyway, we should probably get going, it's potions with Snape."
"Why does he hate me?" Sophie asked, remembering the first time she set foot in the dungeon. Snape gave her a detention for "Not listening" when she was clearly jotting down the notes in her book.
"He just has a thing for Gryffindors." Maia replied, getting up and grabbing her bag, Sophie copied. The boys eventually realised the group was moving and followed, up the marble steps and then down again into the dark, dingy dungeons where they lined up in their houses, waiting for Snape to let them in.
Sophie walked over to her cauldron and noted what was on the board:
Poison Potion.
She opened her potions book and flipped to the page on poisons, jotting down the ingredients and walking over to the cupboard to find them. As she was, she felt someone breathing over her shoulder, she turned around to find it was Snape.
"Miss Dragonheart."
"Professor." Sophie replied smugly, pushing passed him and putting her ingredients on her desk.
"What, miss Dragonheart, are you doing in my cupboard? I have laid out the ingredients on my desk."
"Actually, sir. Your ingredients are wrong."
"What did you just say to me, miss Dragonheart?"
"Your ingredients are wrong, sir. Instead of using Mandrake, the most effective ingredient is Bloodroot."
Snape turned away and walked back to his desk where he sat down. "Detention miss Dragonheart."
"For what!?" Sophie exclaimed.
"Correcting and disrespecting a teacher!"
Sophie almost answered back but decided not to hit another nerve with Professor Snape. She returned next to Kyle and shoved her Bloodroot into the cauldron, stirring with her wand five times clockwise and five slowly anti-clockwise.
"Here." Sophie said, handing Kyle some left over Bloodroot, "Add it carefully to your potion and stir extremely slowly."
"Why?" Kyle replied, taking the Bloodroot and holding it in his hand.
"It will greater the effect of the potion, a straight A if you do everything correctly."
"No problem."

The lesson ended, Sophie was dreading lunch time. Sitting in the dark dungeon alone with Professor Snape wasn't something to look forward to, especially when it was for correcting him. Sophie walked side-to-side with Maia, making their way up to the 5th floor where Defence Against The Dark Arts would take place. They sat down next to each other and pulled out their books, waiting for their loved Professor  to enter out of his office.
"Good afternoon class." Professor Lupin said, walking into the room, "Today we are learning the spell 'Expelliarmus'.
"As we all know there is a murderer on the loose named 'Sirius Black' and I and Professor Dumbledore have agreed it would be best to learn a defensive spell such as this. Now please partner up and listen closely."
There was a shuffle of movement as people swapped seats to sit next to their chosen partner. Sophie and Kyle simply looked at each other and nodded, knowing who their partner would be.
"I would like everyone to stand up."
Everyone did so and Lupin moved the tables to the sides of the room, clearing space with the flick of his wand.
"Now name each other A and B and take it in turns to disarm each other."
"I'll be A." Sophie said.
"Guess I'm B then. Go on."
Sophie lifted her wand and took a breath. "EXPELLIARMUS!" She shouted, causing Kyle's wand to fly out of his hand and into her own.
"Well done Dragonheart, let's see yours Kyle."
Kyle stood there, drawing his spell saying breath and shouted "EXPELLIARMUS!"
Sophie's wand flew out of her hand and into Kyle's outstretched one.
"Good. Now you can start deflecting spells like this." He demonstrated a movement with his wand and then walked off to attend to other students.
Sophie and Kyle were half way through practising when she felt a blast to her left shoulder, she swivelled around, clutching her wand to see Rose Akita standing there pointing her wand in Sophie's face.
"I suggest you remove your wand from my face before its snapped in half, Akita." She said calmly, clutching her wand even tighter as anger began to boil up inside her.
"What? To scared to pull a move Deathy?" Akita replied, as they began to circle each other around the room, a crowd forming around them.
"Don't call me that."
"Why? You not proud of daddy waddy?"
Anger was beginning to boil now, overflowing all other emotions. Sophie tried calming herself down, she didn't want to duel, not with all these people watching.
"I don't know what my father did to you, but you have no right to take it out on me."
"Oh I have every right. Your father murdered, tortured, destroyed millions of families."
"So I've heard."
"Expelliarmus!" Rose bellowed.
Sophie blocked.
Sophie blocked again.
Sophie blocked but this time cast a spell back,
Rose was too slow, she was knocked back off of her feat, giving Sophie time to cast another spell. "Expelliarmus!" She shouted and Rose's wand flew out of her hand and into her own.
"I suggest next time you think before you duel with me." Sophie said, as she laid Rose's wand on the nearest desk and walked out of the room.
"That was amazing!" Kyle exclaimed, as he caught up with Sophie who was walking down to Care of Magical Creatures.
"Thanks," Sophie answered, "But honestly, I had no clue what I was doing."
"Well, you still won."
"True, but I could see it coming from a Slytherin. Anyway, we're here now."
"Alrigh' class, were goin' inter the Ferbidden Forest today! Stay close ter me!" Hagrid called, setting off across the  grounds and through the trees, students staying close behind him.
They walked and walked through the overgrowth, following their giant teacher, every now and then stopping to view a new mysterious creature. Sophie felt nervous walking through the mud, centaurs kept appearing through the trees, watching them, their bows held by their sides.
"Don' worry abou' 'em," Hagrid called, "They're jus' protectin' the forest!"
They walked on, everyone sticking closely together. Sophie was clutching her wand under her robes, ready to strike. She had heard the story of what happened two years before when Harry Potter came across the almost dead Voldemort in his first year. Eventually, people were beginning to get tired, Sophie's heavy bag was weighing her down and making her shoulder ache. Finally, she had had enough.
"Hagrid, how much longer until we get there?"
"Not too far from 'ere!" Hagrid called back.
They walked for another five minutes, students began to moan, until Hagrid suddenly stopped, causing Sky and Rose to bump into him, Sophie began to giggle as Hagrid said in a voice that was almost a whisper, "'Ain't she beau'iful."
Sophie followed his gaze into the middle of a small clearing where a tall half-breed was emerging from some nearby bushes. It's crystal blue eyes glistening in the morning sun, it's velvety wings folded onto its soft, hairy back.

*Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Chapter 4 will be out Saturday 9th! So you agree with this chapter? What do you think of Rose Akita? Let me know in the comments!*

*This chapter was harder to write but I did it!*

Sophie Dragonheart (a HP Fanfic - Year 3 at Hogwarts)Where stories live. Discover now