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"Hey" I said hugging her tight. "Hey" she chuckled in my neck. I felt her breath on my skin and it sends a shiver down my spine every time again. I stopped hugging her and looked into her eyes while my hands were on her hips. She smiled at me and her look was breathtaking. "(Y/n)" I breathed. "Yes, Neymar?" She smiled. "We need to talk" I said. Her smile was gone and her face showed that she was confused about my words. "Let's go in" I said letting her into my house. She sat on the couch and I sat beside her. I looked at her. I took her hand into mine. "(Y/n) I can't do this anymore!" I said. "What do you mean?" She asked. "I- I don't want to be -" I stuttered. "Your friend anymore" I finished. She gasped and looked worried at me. "What?" She gasped. "I can't be your friend, I'm not a good friend to you" I said. "Neymar, what are you talking about?" She said. "I know that, I'm not the friend, you want me to be." I took a deep breath and continued. "I know that, I don't want to be just your friend, I hate it. I hate that you just see me as your bestie. I don't want that. I hate seeing you with a guy and I hate when you talk to me about a guy that you like! That's why I always give you bad advices to keep yourself away from those guys. I'm selfish when it's about you." "Neymar I-" "No. (Y/n) it's okay, I understand. But I can't be with you anymore. I will always be a bad friend. Because I don't want to be just your friend. I want to be more. I want you to be mine" I said. She stared at me, emotionless. But she's so beautiful, in any way. It's weird but, when I first meet her it was like 'boom' and hey there, feels. I always had felt something more for her, even though I knew she wanted me to be her friend, and I didn't wanted to lose her, so I played along with that. I had to watch her cry over stupid guys which broke her heart. I had to see her kiss someone else. And I was so jealous, so jealous of the ones which could kiss those sexy lips of hers. Yes, I admire her. In any way and I can't take my eyes off her. It breaks my heart that she'll always see me like a friend. So I have to move on, without her. "Neymar, I didn't knew you-" she started. "It's okay, I know this is stupid. I know I brought you into a awkward situation, and I'm sorry. But you have to understand that I can't do this anymore" I sighed, standing up, going to the door. She followed me still a little confused and I opened the door. I looked into her eyes and found myself smiling cause of their beauty. I hugged her, one last time. "Bye (y/n), I hope you'll find a good best friend and I hope that everything will be fine. And tell Jonny that he should always protect you and I hope you two stay together." I said into her ear. She smiled at me, but then she looked down. "Neymar, I don't want to lose you" she said. "You won't. We'll just stay away for awhile" I said. She left and there was I. Left in my own misery. I found myself crying over a girl and I just can't believe that she could make me this weak. Common Neymar, you can find someone else.. Can't you?

« 3 months later »

"Hey there baby" she said kissing my lips. "Hey" I mumbled. "What's wrong?" She asked as her red lips kissed my check. "Nothing" I smiled. In this moment I got a phone call and I gasped as I looked on my screen. "Who's that?" She asked looking at it. "Wait" I said and went out off the room. "(Y/n)?" I asked as I picked up the phone. "Ey Neymar" her voice said. "Why, why are you calling, did something happen?" I asked. "No, not really, but I wanted to ask you if you want to meet sometime. I thought about maybe going for dinner or something." She said. My heart skipped a beat and I looked around me. "Okay" I said. "When and where?" I added. As she told me, I thought about everything and a plan came into my head. I wanted her to show me that she had feelings for me. And I know how to do that. "Hmm, so (y/n) mind if I bring someone with me?" I asked. "Oh, em" she mumbled. "Sure" she then said. "Nice, see you there" I said hanging up. I went out off the room and found Amanda sitting on the couch. "Baby, who was that?" She said standing up coming closer to me. "No one babe, but do you want to go somewhere with me?" I said smirking. "Where?" She asked amused. "How about a double date with some of my old friends" I said. "Oh sure" she smiled. "When?" She then asked. "Tomorrow night" I said. "What should I wear?" She asked. "Something very sexy" I said and she smirked as she walked up the stairs. I know that this with Amanda and me will never be something. She's a Brazilian model and very beautiful but, there's someone else. And I know that Amanda doesn't want something real with me either. After spending a whole day at the mall with Amanda to find something, we found a very hot dress. And it fit her good.
And soon it was tomorrow. I woke up early because I was way too excited. Amanda knocked on my door and found me in my boxers. She bite her lip looking down at me. I rolled my eyes and let her in. "What will you wear, baby?" She asked. "A suit" I said. "Why so classy?" She asked. "You know, it's a date. I want to look good" I said. "Aww baby" she chuckled. "Look Amanda" I said sitting beside her. "We both know this isn't a real relationship. You're perfect, beautiful and everything but it's me that is the problem. There's this girl.." I sighed. "I know, Neymar you think I'm stupid? I saw you, talking with her on the phone, and the picture you have of her on your phone screen whenever she calls you. I will help you. Don't worry" she smiled. "Thank you so much" I said as I hugged her. I didn't believed she would understand this.

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