Chapter one

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Five. Five factions. Five places to choose from. One of which will define the rest of my life. The aptitude test is supposed to help you figure out what to choose, which was super helpful for me. I got Dauntless, the faction of the Warriors. Who would of thought an Abnegation, a person who's suppose to be selfless, get a place where it's kill or be killed. It's all about yourself in Dauntless, where as in Abnegation you have to think of others before yourself. "Emily Reyes." I took a deep breath as Marcus Eaton, the leader of Abnegation called my name. I stood up and slowly made my way down to the five bowls in the center of the big room. "She looks to be 11." I heard someone in Erudite chuckle as I walked by them. It was true though I stood at 5'1 at 16 years old. When I reached the five bowl I looked over at Marcus who smiled at me. In Abnegation I was known as one of the most selfless, but what they didn't know was that it was only a face I put up. I grabbed the knife and made a cut in my palm. I don't get why we have to put blood in the bowl of the faction we choose why can't we just say what we want. I winced slightly as the cut burned. I looked between my five options, stopping on the flaming coals. This is it. The moment that defines my life. The sound of sizzling could be heard. "Emily Reyes Dauntless." You heard gasps from Abnegation and cheers from Dauntless. "Alright everybody settle down! Settle down!" Marcus rose his voice as I walked over to the Dauntless section. "Welcome to Dauntless!" A girl with blonde hair said standing up giving me her seat. I smiled and sat down waiting for the ceremony to be over. Once it was over Dauntless stood up and starting running out the door and down the millions of steps I used to climb up here since we were too selfless to use the elevator. I screamed in joy as did the other dauntless around me. We reached where the trains run and people started climbing the pillars. I went right behind a dauntless born and started using the rings to climb up. I made it to the top and pulled myself up. I saw people smiling at me and saw some chuckling. I looked to my left and saw the train coming and heard people running. I took off running after them and watched as people pulled themselves onto the train. I looked at the open door beside me and saw that somebody was holding their hand out for me to grab which I quickly did. They pulled me up and I crashed into their chest. "Sorry." I muttered looking down. "Don't sweat it. Probably shouldn't have pulled you so hard with how small you are." He chuckled. Looking at his clothes I noticed he was Dauntless born. "Yeah I get that a lot." I blushed. "I'm Jason Smith." He held out his hand which I took, apparently that caught him by surprise since his eyes widened. "Emily Reyes." I said as I shook his hand. "I thought you were one of the most selfless people out of Abnegation why did you switch?" He asked me sitting down on the floor which I did too. "That's part of the main reason I didn't get Candor. It was all a face. Had to get on everyone's good side so I decided to fake it. Plus I got Dauntless on the aptitude test." I chuckled at the same time he did. "What about you?" I asked and he hummed something sounding like a question. "Why did you decide to stay?" I clarified. "Out of my 16 years of being in Dauntless I felt like I fit in. Looking at all the other factions I just couldn't imagine being in them. Also the fact that I also got Dauntless on the aptitude test." He shrugged. The rest of the ride we spent talking, getting to know each other until he stood up and helped me up. "We have to jump soon." He said noticing my confused face. "Wait we have to jump!?" I asked shocked. "Yeah onto the roof and then down to the net to enter Dauntless. But shh, you didn't hear me tell you about the net." He chuckled winking at me. "Alright your secrets safe with me." I chuckled and noticed that the blonde girl who gave me her seat watching us smiling. "Alright get ready to jump. We can jump together if you like." He said blushing holding his hand out. "Yeah ok." I nodded blushing grabbing his hand. "On three. One, two, three!" As soon as he said three we jumped and landed tumbling into the gravel that was on the roof. "Listen up! I'm four one of your leaders. This is Tris also one of your leaders. To make it into dauntless you have to jump." Four spoke and I heard some people chuckle at his name. "What happens if we don't jump?" A Candor guy asked curious. "What do you think will happen?" Tris asked rolling her eyes causing people to laugh, and the Candor to blush. "Transfers will go first." Four spoke looking at us. "Remember that there is a net at the bottom so don't be afraid to jump the worst that could happen is you get the breath knocked out of you." Jason whispered into my ear before walking away to the dauntless born initiates. "I'll go." I spoke up looking around at everyone. "Alright come on." Trust said smiling slightly. I slowly walked up and looked down to see a huge hole at the bottom. I looked back at Jason and he winked at me smiling. I had to have Four's help to get onto the ledge since I was so small. I heard chuckles as I did this but I ignored them to the best of my abilities. I took a deep breath closed my eyes then jumped screaming only once as it felt my stomach was all the way in my feet. I landed on a net just like Jason said, and also like he said the breath got knocked out of me. I felt the net being pulled down and rolled with it. I had to jump down since the net was taller than me. "What's your name?" A Dark colored skin guy asked me once I was on the ground. "It's Emily." I told him in my quiet voice. "You can change it if you want. But once you change it you can't change it again." The guy suggested. "No. I'll stick with Emily." I smiled at him causing him to smile back. "First jumper, Emily!" The guy shouted causing people to cheer and clap. One guy lead me away from the net and near the wall before the next initiate jumped. One by one they all jumped until eventually Tris and Four jumped down as well. "Alright Transfers your with me and Tris, Dauntless born go with Uriah." The guy who helped me off the net walked forward and stood by Four. Before I could walk off Jason jogged up to me and gave me a quick hug. "Please be careful." He whispered in my ear then gave me a kiss on the cheek running off after his group. I could tell my face was bright red as I walked over to my group and to the front since I knew I wouldn't be able to see. "Alright follow me!" Four shouted walking backwards a bit then turning around. I walked next to Four looking down at my feet so I wouldn't fall as we walked. "Why the name Four?" I asked curious. I looked up and saw him staring at me confused. "It has to mean something. Four times you've done something, your favorite number is Four, you have Four of something, it could mean anything." I shrugged. "I have four fears. You'll find out your number in week two." He told me smiling slightly as he looked over to the Dauntless born group. "So you and Jason are getting close for people who have literally met today." Four said in a teasing voice. "We're just friends." I squeaked feeling my cheeks blush bright red. "Keep telling yourself that." He chuckled and turned and facing us. "This is the Chasm. Some say a leap might be daring but I say it's stupid. So be careful because one slip can send you plummeting to your death." He explained then continued walking. "This is the pit center of Dauntless where you'll be spending most of your time with friends and training." Tris spoke then they lead us down a hallway and opened a door. We walked in and saw bunk beds and two doors leading off to girl and boy bathrooms. "You guys are lucky when I'm here there was no stalls or separate bathrooms." Tris chuckled. Does that mean she was a transfer too? "Clothes are on the wall get changed pick a bed and meet me in the dinning hall five minutes. Just follow the smell of food." Four said then walked out. I was the first to the wall and immediately grabbed my clothes which were near the bottom because of my small size. I went into the bathroom and got undressed putting the pants on first which were way to long for me. Geez do they expect all initiates to be over 5'5? We put all of our old clothes in the trash that was beside the door and walked out. "So where exactly is the dinning hall?" A guy with brown hair, about 6 inches taller than me asked. "He said just follow the smell." A tall blonde girl shrugged. We did as told with some of us getting lost. Eventually we finally made it to the dining hall where we would have our first dinner in our new factions.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2018 ⏰

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