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I'LL NEVER FORGET THAT NIGHT, the night I witnessed the death of my family. I was 13. I was coming home from the library when.... when I saw them. I was so confused and scared that I couldn't even scream. I walked into the living room and saw my mom being raped mercilessly. My dad was being made to watch. My older brother was on the brink of death; his eyes were glossy from the loss of blood from the massive stab wound in his stomach. My younger sister was suffering the same as Mom. I stood there stunned. The intruders hadn't noticed me yet, so I ran in the kitchen and grabbed the longest, sharpest knife I could find, and ran back into the living room.

I first stuck the bastard that was on my sister, right in the back, he screamed in agony. He whipped around with his elbow and hit me in the temple, dazing me for a minute. As soon as I had my senses back I came again pushing the knife in deeper.  His agony filled screams had subsided. He rolled off my sister, dying, dead. I had just killed a man.... And I was prepared to do it again. I was so blinded by fear and anger that I didn't even 

notice that were two more besides the one I had killed and the other two that were with my parents. I was deathly out-numbered. I pulled out the knife out of that guy’s back and took my stance of bending my knees slightly and holding the knife backhand out in front of me. I was ready to fight and save my family, or die trying.

I looked at my sister, Kira and dropped to my knees in horror. There was a bloody knife sticking out of her stomach, along with multiple shallow stab wounds. That bastard had been raping and killing my eight-year-old sister. I went into a trance. I had salty tears run from my eyes into my mouth.  What brought me back was Dad, he was yelling at me, telling me to run and get out.

Dad was always very valor, strong, a good-looking guy with blonde hair that went down to the end of his biceps. And surprising bright green eyes. Suddenly his commands stopped.  I looked to see one of those bastards had silted my dad's throat; bright red blood started overflowing from his open throat. He fell over in the chair he was tied to. I screamed. Mom cried out Dad's name and sobbed.

I looked at my fifteen-year-old brother, Zack. Once again hot and salty tears starting running down my face. His jaw bone-length, jet-black hair covered his face. I knew that by how limp his body was, he too, just like Dad and Kira, was dead.  I got up off my knees and ran to my mom, knife still in hand. I had already lost my dad, sister, and brother; I couldn't lose my mom too.

I didn't make it to her. One of them had pulled out a gun at shot me in my arm, and then the rest of those bastards thought it'd be a good idea to beat the crap out of me. One of them had kicked the knife out of my hand and with it he......killed her. In a way, I felt like I was the one who drove the knife into Mom's chest. She smiled at me even in death. She mouthed the words ' I love you ' and I managed to mouth it back before I passed out.


That was three years ago. I’m sixteen now. My name was Kage Knight. I didn't go by that name after that night because I felt as if I didn't have that right to be a part of the family because I was weak and couldn't protect them.

My name was Payne after that because that's what I had been in the three years after their death. I planned on taking revenge for my family.  I knew they wouldn't approve of it, but I felt like it's the right thing to do. That’s why I accepted that offer all those years ago and became what I did.    

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