Free Ideas

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So I have a lot of dead stories in my archive that I'm never going to write but I still think that they're pretty good ideas so I'm just going to leave them here just in case anybody else wants to use them. You do NOT have to give me credit, you can change them however you want, you can only use parts of an idea or the whole idea or whatever you want. 

On here, I'm just going to post a little tid bit of the story but depending on how far I got in writing it, I might have more locked away so if you're interested in writing one of these ideas, you can message my main account @writerbug44 and I'll send you all of my brain storming and any chapters that I have already written. At the end of each summary, I will explain what extra material I may have for that story but most of them are old so I don't have much. 

You do not have to message me if you just want to use the part of the ideas that I post on here though, you can just take what I put on here. You can change the title, the names, whatever you want. I'm giving up all rights to everything that I post on here. One thing though, I will only give you one idea. I mean, you can use as many of these as you want, I guess, but I'll only give you everything I have for one story.

1. Draw Me Happy- Small town girl really likes photography and wants to go to a huge art school in New York but her dad needs her to stay home to inherit their land/business/whatever. She meets a guy moving into town from a big city and he's a really good drawer who is also planning to go to a big city art school and he tries convincing her to say no to her father to follow her dreams. [No extra material]

2. Mission: High School- A famous model is about to get Angel status with Victoria Secret but she doesn't get the position because they told her that she doesn't have enough real life experience (she grew up in the modeling industry, was home schooled) so she wears a wig and goes to high school so that nobody recognizes her. [No extra material]

3. Frost- A family (the Frosts) go on vacation to their summer home for a few weeks on the beach in hopes that their parents can fix their marriage. Her older brother is really angry at the girl because she had found their dad cheating and she told their mom so her brother blames her for why they're having problems in the first place. [No extra material]

4. There's five extremely popular girls at this high school and every year, they put out a list on their blog/website with categories (sluttiest, richest, ugliest, dumbest, smartest etc.) about the people at their school. One girl who isn't popular (but not bullied either)is never on the list but this year, her best friend made one of the bad lists so she's getting a hard time at school. So the girl decides to get revenge on the Fierce Five in honor of her friend by hacking their website. [No extra material]

5. Perfection- A plus size girl is on the journalism team at her school and she finds out that the cheer leading squad has a size requirement and you can't get on the team if you're too fat so she wants to write an article on it but she gets shut down by the teacher in charge of the paper saying that it'd look bad for the school so she has to figure out an underground way to get the story out. [No extra material]

6. Kiss Quick- A girl who was raised in the foster system is extremely hard working, always at her job to keep her apartment. A guy moves in next door with a baby. It isn't his baby, it's his sister's but his sister had to go away (got arrested, deported, something like that) so he has to take care of this baby and he has no idea how to. Because the girl was raised in the foster system, she would always help out with the little kids so she knows how to help with the baby and because the baby keeps crying, she helps the guy out by teaching him how to change a diaper, make a bottle, swaddle the baby, etc.. [4 chapters & some brainstorming]

7. Midnight in the Garden- A girl had been in love with this guy for a long time, they were a really cute couple, and he was into music. But then, he decides to leave their hometown for California to follow his dreams but he doesn't tell her, he just disappears. So then a few years later, he comes back home but he's made it big so he's famous and whatnot but she's pissed at him for leaving her in the dust. [6 chapters & just a bit of brainstorming]

** Note: There is a song that I wrote in this story so if you use the story and include the song, I would like credit for the song.

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