Dead Kevin

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"Ok everyone, gather around please....guys, guys, this no Greg, this way, hey! Over here!" Kevin yelled to the room full of around 50 people. Well, not exactly people. They were once people, just like you and me: teachers, mechanics, doctors. Now they were among the dead.  

The room echoed with the sounds of guttural grunts and groans, the occasional simple minded conversation that some of them could still do, but not much else.  

"Ok guys, we found out that uh, um, there were some of you that found a group of Pulsers" 

"Ughgh, yah we did" one of the dead yelled from the group. 

"And what happened?" 

"Well ughgh, we heard a loud noise in the other direction so we went to check it out." 

"Come on guys. How many times have we talked about this. We don't have to follow every loud noise ok?" 

"But maybe it more Pulsers. We can eat their brai-" 

"Don't say brains! That is a stereotype guys, c'mon. We've talked about that too. We are more than just mindless zombies who walk around looking to eat brains ok?" 

There were mutters of agreement among the room of the dead. 

"Now, tonight: Greg is taking half of you to look around the high school. The rest of you will be coming with me to the church. OK? Any questions?" 

"What do we do if we hear a loud noise? Should we follow it? Ya?" 

Echoes of moans and grunts of agreement filled the gym. 

"No no no. Guys. If you see a Pulser, go after them. Don't be distracted by the loud noises. OK? Ignore the loud noises!" 

"yah yah OK OK" the rest of the dead moaned as they began to disperse, walking slowly around the gym, vaguely towards the exits.  

Kevin stepped down from the box he was standing on and rubbued his eyes. Well, eye. He lost one when he tried to catch a Pulser last week. That's what they called the still living, those that still have a pulse. They didn't know how many Pulsers were still around, all they knew was that they wanted to find them. Find as many as they could. The only problem was, well, they weren't very bright.

Dead KevinWhere stories live. Discover now