"Everybody scream// Won't you please make way for a very special guy?!"

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"Hey, hey! Have you heard about the human that came to town?"

"Yeah! I say we have some fun with him!"

"Boil his feet!"

"No! Make him pull out his hair!"

"Cut it out you two! No and NO. He'll become useful later. Especially for what we have in store..."


                 In the real world, home,  Zucca's impromptu stay in Halloween Town had progressed into a few days; for him it seemed more like weeks. If he was honest, he felt more at home yet still so much like a fish out of water here than anywhere else. Granted- that hadn't happened overnight. While Jack had been more than welcoming, the other members of the town stayed away for a bit. Gradually, with no help from Jack's bringing him along for errands, everyone got to know him. Except for the werewolf; every time Zucca came near him it would watch him out of the corner of its eye and growl at him.

              Otherwise, the main highlight was getting to know Sally. Jack frequently sent him to her creator's lab to get potions or necessary parts needed for pranks. While she made the needed potions, or the professor made some prototype for Jack, they would chat. The new personal history fascinated Zucca. She was one of the newer monsters, and could even remove her limbs without hurting herself (although she had mentioned with some amusement that it got to be annoying when they came off all the time). He had joked with her that made her a living rag doll, which she said was true. It was also why on Halloween she never went with the others to scare the human children. It used to be restricting; Zucca learned that her creator used to be paranoid and would rarely let Sally leave the lab. There was even one time he locked her in her room except to attend to him. Of course now it was much better because he made himself a companion to help him out. Sally said that while the freedom was still a relief, it was a bit weird to see "Jewel" (as her name was) taking care of the professor.

          Zucca enjoyed getting to know his new best friend, and Halloween Town, but couldn't help but feel that she was keeping something from him. It wasn't just that the professor had a new companion. Something big had happened, but she wouldn't tell him anything. Just like...


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