Dexpid (Dexter & Cupid)

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Dexter and Cupid. I'm going to say in advance, I'll try not to offend this ship. I may not ship it, but I still think it's cute!

I'm a Dexven shipper so this is hard to write about without giving hate remarks to it, but I'll try!

I think this is a cute ship, I just don't like it enough to ship it.


1. Cupid is a sweet girl and I think Dexter is waaaay too gaga over Raven, (sorry Dex!), to even notice Cupid. The only time he reaally talks to her, is to get love advice about Raven.

2. Like I said, Dex is waaay too focused on Raven.

3. Cupid is always hectic with giving advice to people I don't know if she'd ever have time for Dexter. Same with him. He's always stressed about his parents disapproving of him, or that he isn't as good as Daring. I think they're too busy for each other.

I still reaaaaallly love this ship! I think it's adorable! I also don't want Cupid hurt if Dexter decided to go Raven-Crazy again. That's why I don't ship it! Anywho, comment below with suggestions and I promise I'll give my opinion on them! Thanks y'all!

-AlohaGirl27 🤓🌺

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